This is the Message Centre for Luca

Hi Luca

Post 1


Good Lord - it's Scoobydoo!
Is no-one safe?

kari doesn't post on Chatterbox at all.
She used to and stopped.
She does talk about her nieces in many posts.
As this is a "public" posting space really I'm not going to say much more than I agree with all those advising against but won't respond.

Hope you are well.
Keep the sword sharp.
You never know when I'll spring
smiley - cheers

Hi Luca

Post 2


Hi Scoobs!

Well ..... this is a first and a surprise! h2g2 is a bit of a mystery to me. I see they have an impressive amount of smileys though!

The sword is sharp and the mind clear - well sometimes it is... I'll be waiting! smiley - winkeye

I've never been tempted by a tattoo and hope kari doesn't regret it.

Hope you are having a good weekend!

smiley - bubbly

Hi Luca

Post 3


Some people take their conversation here if they are taking the Board off topic.
I think a few think it's confidential i.e. just 1:1.
It's not, it's open to all and to modding.

Anyway, someone triangled her post.
Have a good weekend too! smiley - ok

Hi Luca

Post 4


Hi Scoobs

Yes, I know h2g2 is not 'private'. I'm always surprised by how much info people can give out unwittingly on forums. It's frighteningly easy to do so of course.

The triangler seems to have been striking quite a bit this weekend...... I'd love to know if it is the same person or if it is just random zapping by random people... It'll be interesting to see if BB Hostess has any comments to make on Monday.

Have you seen the full range of smileys on the index? There are some great ones. Pity we can't use some of them on Food Chat!

Off to feed the smiley - dog!

Hi Luca

Post 5


Been out for a walk with OH and the ever present camera.
We have quite a few nice forest and canal walks for a city.
Lots of doggie walkers!
I've been wanting a dog for a while - had one for 14 years 24 years back but it put baby daughter in intensive care twice through serious asthma reaction.
Thinking long and hard about the responsibility.

Not only was the current CB OP zapped, so was the previous and strangely, the thread closed by mods.
No big deal as no-one goes back there but it's a first as all previous remain open.
All either late Friday or early Saturday for maximum down time.
Very sad person out there somewhere .smiley - sadface

Hi Luca

Post 6


If it's not too personal Scoobs - which city? When we lived in Paris we lived by a canal. It was great to see the barges come and go.

Asthma reactions.... dangerous things. I'm not surprised you stopped having a pet. We held back for a while but once the boys grew out of hamsters the pressure was on! At the time we lived near Battersea Dog's Home........ temptation to peek led to one hairy mutt becoming a member of the family! When it's pouring with rain we draw lots (practically) as to who will walk him! A lot of fun but don't forget to factor in walking in the rain, vet's bills, insurance, hairy carpets and wet muzzles when you're not expecting them!
smiley - biggrin

Hi Luca

Post 7


I live in Cardiff Luca - about a 45min walk into the heart.
We have a lovely lake about 5min walk from our door and it has all sorts of birdlife. Today we drove about 15mins to a lovely forest walk and of course we have the coast nearby and several other nature walks.
Lots of dog walkers out in the forest walk today and I always end up saying "Hello" to every dog in a slightly silly tone.
Where are you?

Who is OffalCook by the way? He/she is being very sharp with people today and has had a post removed on the tattoo thread.
It's so easy to get drawn and you have to remember life's too short to argue with strangers - easily done though! smiley - smiley

Hi Luca

Post 8


That sounds wonderful. We live in London. Putney heath/Wimbledon common are close and provide wonderful walks. Birds, foxes and ponds abound. Richmond Park is a short distance away and the deer are plentiful.

Offal Cook..... don't know. I've always thought that the poster is female. Seems to like stirring a lot and does make valid points at times.

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