This is the Message Centre for MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD


Post 1


hiya hen what the fook happened 2 my pamela.1972 lol,just seen your pals list and the first ever person i spoke 2 on ld was on it..celtic tiger mad eh,catch u soon hen.x


Post 2

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello again hee hee
well as i can see u manege to found a friend of ld and im sure there will be plenty moresmiley - smiley
it's quiet cool tho
chat soon
smiley - love
smiley - rosesmiley - roselydiasmiley - rosesmiley - rose


Post 3


WOO HOO got my name back,getting used 2 this now,a bit mad at first though,catch u soon.x


Post 4

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hi pam
see it aint so hard after all but that isnt all there is plenty other things u can do on here but it takes time .that is if u have it cos with my 2 smiley - devils i havent got much of it .
right now im relaxing with a smiley - coffeeand asmiley - cakeyum yum.
sent my smiley - love to the kids
oh i forgot ,did u ever got to see ur dads wallet b4 he left the bonnie scotland ?lmso
lots of smiley - love
lydia,bob,paul and jocelyne
smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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