This is the Message Centre for MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

ooh la la!!!

Post 1


bonjour miss francais,
i used to gab to u in broken french now and again on ld.
my users were...A-SLIP-OF-THE-TONGUE-M...(SHEIK-MEHAMHEAD and CELTIC((TIGER)),im new on here gorgeous but it's nice to chat again,au revoir mon cherie.
take care.x

ooh la la!!!

Post 2

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hiya babessmiley - smiley
smiley - ta for sending me a msg always been a great plesure talking to u hun smiley - hug
so what u been up to?? did u miss me??lolxxxx
me im doing gr8 babes split up with the kids dad last january hee hee .
so do u miss ld then??i bet ya!
chat soon darling lydiasmiley - kiss xxxx

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