This is the Message Centre for Mr E.Fish


Post 1

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

So you think that is why my fingers hurt so much at the ends? smiley - smiley Hi, I was just passing by and thought I'd cristen your personal space, as I noticed no one has posted you a message as yet.
You should get a nice friendly, (and better spelt and gramatically correct), message from an ACE (assistant community editor), at some point, and they may make things about the site clearer.....
Its a huge space, and its good to just go exploring smiley - smiley but don't get overweilmed by it all, it can seem just too big at times on here....
So, dinosause hay, or not, as it would seem smiley - smiley So, not being a palientologist that narrows down the feild... Let me see, your not an exotic dancer are you? smiley - laugh no seriously..... just kidding smiley - laugh Oh, look at this; the first message you get and its me, tired, and rambling on about, well nothing at all..... and look! I've done it again; writing endless words and killing off even more neurones in my fingers and finger tips smiley - cheers Speak to you soon smiley - cheers Have fun and Don't panic! smiley - smiley

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