Journal Entries


There are many articles on the gibbon on h2g2, but is straight forward information too much to ask? Many are comtaminated with useless information on the 'funky gibbon' and jokes about the creature's appearance. I will try (God help me) to be funny in my report, but not in such a way as to offend any gibbon on h2g2.

I have something else lined up too, but it's best I wait until this one is out of the way first.

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2003

i'm back!

I registered on h2g2 late December last year, but by February had stopped visiting the site regularly. Well, the free internet connection is back up and running and so i'm back for good. I'll try and make my time on the site a bit more productive from now on - my only real article before was 'Planet X...?' which you'll know left a lot to be desired, more a bit later on my next topic.

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2003

smiley - online2long

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2003


there is no centre of the universe, not here i fear, where the land lays low with the lion.

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2003


i am beautiful because i think i am. I think, therefore i am, what i think i am...?

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2003

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funk master

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