This is the Message Centre for miss.shy...this life??


Post 1

Researcher 229051

Life is waht u make of it.


Post 2

miss.shy...this life??



Post 3

Researcher 229051

Sometimes it goes smooth,and anything time it dosent,every 1 has there ups and downs.
So tell me a bit more about yourself,and why do u call yourself miss shy.


Post 4

miss.shy...this life??

yep it does have its ups n downs

what u wanna know?


Post 5

Researcher 229051

U tell me,as i dont want 2 be 2 nosy,a little bit more about yourself,and what u r into


Post 6

miss.shy...this life??

smiley - erm

dont like sayin that uve guessed if uve been on my space


Post 7

Researcher 229051

Ok babes,i get you.her a smiley - rose 4 you.


Post 8

miss.shy...this life??

why thank u

smiley - ale?
smiley - stiffdrink?
smiley - tea?
smiley - coffee?
smiley - cake?

which would u like?


Post 9

Researcher 229051

wouldnt like none of them,rather have a smiley - kisson the lips,or would you i make you smiley - blush


Post 10

miss.shy...this life??

that would make me smiley - blush


Post 11

Researcher 229051

well babes we could have somesmiley - bubblythen u wouldntsmiley - blush,u sound a smiley - cool chick 2 me,anyway here is a smiley - kiss,and smiley - rose.


Post 12

miss.shy...this life??

thanx for sayin that hun smiley - blush
and thanx for the smiley - rose

i prefer smiley - ale meself...smiley - bubbly is just too fizzy smiley - biggrin


Post 13

Researcher 229051

Well even if i gave you plenty of smiley - aleandsmiley - kissed you on your lips you still might smiley - blush.

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