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Lizzbett Posted Sep 25, 2005
I've rather lost track of things on here myself. I think I've rather lost track of life generally. Between being rushed off my feet at work, I have booked a trip to France to stay with a friend who I used to work with. Sorting out my transport to the airport has been slightly more traumatic than I would have liked, but I finally managed to speak to someone and make the booking yesterday, so apart from buying my euros, I'm all set
Yesterday evening I completed an application form for a PA's job in the FE sector of the college where I already work. I'm still not entirely convinced it would be what I want to do, but anything is better than the c**p I have to deal with at the moment. A couple of the senior managers for whom this PA would work are people that I indirectly report to anyway, so it won't hurt to send a message to them that I do have some ambition.
I hope you get some positive results from your latest batch of job applications.
Well done on the weight loss, by the way. Someone came up to me at work the other day and said that I looked as though I'd lost a lot of weight. I don't have any scales, so I don't know if that is true, but as all my clothes still fit and this lady is known to her friends as 'Mad Auntie Reen' I think the likelihood is that I've actually put weight on
(this is the same woman who swears that I could pass for 21 when I am in fact 38 - her opinions are not to be trusted
Stowmarket? Why, tis only just down the road from Ipswich, where I live. I hope it was a good party. I used to go to a really nice dentist in Stowmarket...
I'm ludicrously tired this evening. All I've done today is cook and clean and go out for a walk. I feel like I could go to bed right now I sat down to write a letter to my Grandma, but I really can't get any enthusiasm going for that idea so another week will go by when I don't write. Bad Liz!
My Mum has retired now and she and Dad went off for a little holiday in the West Country the following week. They were away when the weather was so amazingly hot for September. It's been nice again here today. I'm hopeful that it will be nice in the South of France the week after next when I go to see my friend.
Chat soon
TeaKay Posted Oct 9, 2005
Sounds good for a break Hope you have a good time, and a well-deserved change from the norm
Cool I got a letter this morning from a local school, in response to a job I applied for. I'm to ring up and arrange an 'informal meeting' with them, lol. I also found what seems to be my perfect job: . So I'm applying for that one...
Thanks, I've put on a bit this week... but not too much. This following week won't be successful seeing as it's my birthday on monday, and they seem to be accompanied by silly amounts of food. But I shall return to the diet as soon as possible, and work my way down to a decent size
There is a certain allure in the thought of a 38 year old who looks 21... though this is probably one of those occasions where I shouldn't think out loud, lol. Of course, I couldn't comment as I don't have a clue what you look like. Maybe Mad Auntie Reen has a point. Mad people have a habit of speaking the truth as they see it.
It was good Although Chris, a friend of mine who is a little wider than I, landed full on my leg after a particularly high bounce on the trampoline. It didn't break, lol, but I still feel a little pain when I use it a lot, such as when playing badminton :-s Got a horrible feeling it's going to just give way at some point, lol, argh!
I've had a murder mystery evening with some of my friends. It was very good, and I love dressing up... I'm such a kid/ponce.
I'd love to retire now, and then start work in thirty years' time. Seems like such a waste of my most active years, to be stuck behind a desk, only to be let free at that time of life when it takes all the energy you've got just to visit the bathroom.
Lizzbett Posted Oct 14, 2005
Good evening (or should I say, "Bonsoir"), I hope you've had a nice week and you enjoyed your birthday. I had a lovely time in France and I have written one of my looooonnngg journals about it. I looked at your link about the job - it sounds cool
TeaKay Posted Oct 16, 2005
I just wrote a lengthy response and lost it... ARGH!!!!
Stick with the 'Good Evening'- I didn't do French
Yeah, my birthday was O.k, other than spending most of it at work. Went out for a meal at the cavery at a local pub with family and a couple of friends. It was nice
I read your France post the other day- looks like you enjoyed yourself
I went to France (South) a couple of years ago. I most enjoyed the totally light-pollution-free sky, and the view of the stars that comes with it. I stayed on a property owned by the parents of the friend I went with- we stayed in a tent because the actual building is very tumbledown to say the least. The whole village was like walking onto the set of a Stella Artois ad.
Thank you!
I have an interview this Friday at a local secondary school!
Awww, lol, better luck next time
That's pretty good I don't /quite/ weigh twice what you do, but I'm only a stone's throw (or three if you pardon the pun) off it.
I wish I could walk to more places, but it's not just feasible. My Grandparents and the Post Office (which is never open) are within walking distance, but that's only 5 minutes. Everything else (apart from the pub which usually replaces all calories lost by the walk, and then some, so it doesn't count) is at least 15 minutes away /by car/ which equates to a good hour or more walking. If I got the job at the Space Centre I'd look at getting a flat in Leicester- I wouldn't need to drive anywhere, then, which would be good.
I think that the company is always a deciding factor in enjoying things like that. It could be the best setup in the world, but if the people you're doing it with go about it the wrong way, it's not going to be so much fun.
Winning the lottery would be good- a nice few million so you can retire but still have the cash available to do things that you want to do.
Aww. I moved our router yesterday (which was a bigger operation than it sounds, as my mum is allergic to exposed cables of any kind) so that the signal from it didn't have to go through a mirror to get to my computer. It's been a lot more stable since, touch wood.
Bye for now
Oh, before I go... If you're interested, I've set up a livejournal account for writing about stuff: It's just more convenient and flexible and less regulated than the H2G2 journal.
Lizzbett Posted Oct 17, 2005
I hate it when that happens. When I write my notoriously long journals, I usually type them up in a word document first because I am paranoid about hootoo losing them for me.
Walking everywhere is only an option when you live in a large town like I do and sometimes I wish I didn't have to do quite so much of it. I hate to think how fat I would be if I didn't have to walk everywhere - I have a pretty hearty appetite.
I had a look at your live journal thingie. It's a bit like a blog, isn't it? Do you have to be a member or hold some kind of account to be able to post there?
TeaKay Posted Nov 5, 2005
I tend to select the whole lot and 'copy' it (so it's hanging around in the computer's personal ether) before I click the fated 'post' button. Just sometimes I forget...
This is the thing- it's O.k to have a large appetite if you're also active. But if you're stuck in the middle of nowhere with no life, you're stuck if you like you're food. Add to that the fact that in that situation, eating is pretty much the only thing to do... I'm doing fairly well, though. A few lapses now and then, but on the whole the weight's coming off.
Yeah, it badically does what it says on the tin- It's a 'live journal'. The ideas similar to the whole journal thing on here- you can subscribe to communities and see their posts on your 'friends page', and you can befriend other people and see their new posts in the same way. Livejournal is just a bit more flexible than H2G2 though- because it's just a blogging site all the features are based around exactly that. And, of course, it's not run by the BBC so you've got more freedom to speak your mind without having every other post "moderated".
You do have to be a member to post, but only in the same way that you do on here. The basic account is free, and that's more than enough to get by on.
I take it you're thinking of joining? If you do, feel free to add me
I had my interview at the Space Centre yesterday- it's kind of to blame for my long time replying... I had to write a presentation to do at the interview. I'm not sure how it went- could have gone either way. I guess I'll find out soon enough
Hope things are O.k with you
Lizzbett Posted Nov 11, 2005
I haven't been on her much lately, partly because I have so much trouble logging in most of the time, but also because I've been busy at work and I'm just too tired to be on the PC in the evenings.
Your Space Centre thing sounds nerve wracking. I've never had to do any kind of presentation for an interview. I have had to do 'tasks', but they are usually insultingly simple.
I'm supposed to be going out with a work mate tonight to see some local bands, but I really wish I wasn't. I'm so tired, I just want to go home and go to bed.
I came on here for half an hour because it had got quiet in my office, but of course, now someone has come in so I will have to go now.
I'll try and leave a more coherent message next time I log on.
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