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Belated birthday greeting
Lizzbett Started conversation Oct 11, 2005
I looked in my diary today and I noticed that yesterday was your birthday. I forgot. Sorry.
I hope you had a nice day.
Belated birthday greeting
TeaKay Posted Oct 11, 2005
Yeah, it was O.k. The going-to-work-for-most-of-it part wasn't that great, but went out for a meal in the evening with family and some friends, which was good
Belated birthday greeting
Lizzbett Posted Oct 17, 2005
Does your workplace have that odd tradition whereby the person who is having a birthday has to buy everyone else cake? Always seems the wrong way around to me somehow. We do the thing where I work (and we have a talented colleague who brings in home made chocolates when anyone has a birthday, which is a bit of a bonus
And how come the birthday person also has to buy the drinks in the pub at lunch time, I should like to know?
Belated birthday greeting
Lizzbett Posted Oct 25, 2005
Someone in my office has a birthday this week, so we shut the office at lunch time and went to the pub. We don't normally close the office, but as it's half term, I don't think anyone noticed. The birthday girl bought in some little homemade chocolate cakes, which looked rather like chocolate yorkshire puddings
. They tasted OK though.
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Belated birthday greeting
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