This is the Message Centre for Boots


Post 1


Boots has started a 'friends of Hootoo' group on facebook. She is not optimistic about membership but welcomes any hootoo friends who would like to say hello in the real world.
She also hasn't got a clue how you would find it, but for those who relish a challenge
it's called: Friends of Hootoo (H2G2)
Its group type is: Common Interest hobbies and craft

Daft I know, the next closest was 'languages' derr! Not even a 'literature' option.
It would be great to meet a few of you.
Take care
Boots (the gardening is still pending)


Post 2


Boots is delighted to welcome Galaxy Babe to the 'friends of hootoo' on face book!


Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - smooch


Post 4


Surely there are more souls from the routemaster bus still around?
Take care

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