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Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Started conversation Mar 27, 2004
How come we have never met?
Both from Harare - except that I am a million years old and you are obviously a stripling!!.
I would love to know what Doctor's surgery had that name!!
Hope to hear from you.
Also Ran1
Boots Posted Mar 27, 2004
Hi AR1, no not from Zim just spent some time there in the mid eighties (film boom and all that jazz).
And, no, certainly not a stripling - a very splendid antique!
Re the surgery. Not too sure of exact location. The stunt crew suggested a night out .... always one to be avoided if the invitation ever comes your way.
Their "I know a short cut" involved scaling imossible (to mere mortals) 7' walls and other obstacles best forgotten. We ended up bruised and battered at the Kyenyama (Sp?) steak restaurant.
The surgery was half way between there and the Holiday Inn, via the normal route, by which we sedately and possible a tiny bit drunkenly, returned.
If memory serves me right it may have actually been spelt Panik.
Trout Montague Posted Apr 1, 2004
Mbabane had a signpost "TV Doctor" which I supposed was an innocent repair yard for old televisions, but which a colleage over from Gaborone automatically assumed was "... a GP for people with gender issues ..."
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 1, 2004
Dear Mr. Splendid Antique in the acting profession!!
I have absolutely no recollection as to where the Holiday Inn is. It probably did not exist in my day!!. The interesting point is that the nickname of one of the headboys of the school where my sons were was called "Boots". For a little while we thought that you might be him!!.
Anyway, I did not know that there had been a boom in the film industry which had affected Zim. It is such a beautiful country - so sad that so much trauma has gone into it.
Nice to hear from you.
Also Ran1
Boots Posted Apr 8, 2004
Hi AR1
Posting from Portugal. The weather almost as dismal as Portmouth but the company a joy.
Quatermass one and two, Jake Speed, Elephant child and several dozen equally appalling movies climbed into the can in Zim. Great locations, Jacaranda to die for and the kids whiled away hours in Mermaids' pool.
*waves* to Trout.
Back to the NSS next week, Fishboy... My playtime is finally coming to an end and the neccessity of a day job beckons.
Have actually done some proper writing while here and have decided I quite like it Just have to work out a way of making it the day job.
take care (off to eat...again!)
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 8, 2004
Hi boots,
What a lovely surprise to find your posting when I switched on this evening - the first time in about three days.
Oh you lucky fellow. Portugal. I spent my 40th birthday in Portugal - and had a wonderful time. I think that you may be a little bit early for the quite fantabulous broom - those gorgeous bushes of frangrant yellow blooms.
I had no idea that all those films were made in Zim - but I left in 1970. Jacarandas I completely agree with you. They are stunningly beautiful. But there are also those gorgeous trees with little red flowers - I remember the name well. Mermaids Pool - did you go down the slide and of course the aerial swing? We had many many happy picnics there when the children were young.
I am pleased that you have been able to write. Well done. do you write fiction or RL?
Well I must go and make us some supper.
Greetings and I hope the weather cheers up before you return. Have you been to Caiscais? And that lovely little mountain town (could it be Cintra?_ where the palace is - I think it was. I went to the archives when I was there and was horrified to see the state of the manuscripts. I suppose the poor things are reduced to dust now. I also went to a recital by that wonderful pianist John Ogden before he fell ill and have wonderful memories of it.
What an extraordinary little country Portugal is. That marvellous square with the map of the world and the little ships - Portugese ships going all over it!!. Incidentally I have just read that it was not Christopher Colombus who discovered America but the Chinese - about seventy years before he did> AMazing!!
Enjoy the rest of your stay.
Also Ran1
Boots Posted Apr 11, 2004
Hi AR1
Just got back to find your cool is that!
The broom was out, just beginning to burst and it smelt wonderful.
Sintra is I think the town you are talking about and, alas, liver wrecking agenda meant not enough time to see everything. Did do Obidos, and two other strange sounding but idyllic medieval towns with ancient monuments to make me feel at home.
My friend is not a natural tourist preferring retail therapy but her husband can put up with the 'ooohs and aaahs' so I dragged him round instead.
Children did the slide and the swing...just so Swiss Family Robinson!
All sorts of writing. Children's stories, 'faction', couple of bits for local newspaper, radio plays etc and started something a little darker while I was there. Won't give up my h2g2 stuff yet though
OK now have to unpack, do the dhobi and mow a meadow!
take care
Trout Montague Posted Apr 11, 2004
Welcome back you old dog. And RL regards Ben.
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 11, 2004
Oh boots,
Thank 'ee so much for guiding me to your quite splendiferous writing.
How could you write that magnificnet story abouth childbirth? You must have experienced it.
On the other hand Sir, you are so often patently "dog"like - so therefore QED you are quite obviously male. Now what better proof of a writer do you have to have. It is so exciting, and I wish you so much good fortune in your "new", hithertoe hidden career.
And here I am struggling to complete the biography of a most marvellous missionary who went to Africa in 1816 - and I am having such problems trying to get the final bits of information I need to finish it.
Anyway, I must let you finish mowing your meadow - how romantic - and go and watch the golf.
I now do not have to go to the library. I shall just read all your wonderful stories - and as a friend has shown me now to enlarge the letters, I can actually read them easily.
A tel logo - which I seem to remember is either Fare thee well, or Till we meet in Portugese.
Also Ran1
Boots Posted Apr 11, 2004
Hi AR1
cyber space can be so deceiving
lawn unmowed, dohbi mouldering, case barely unpacked. Gay fraternity have wasted my afternoon, but I do love the three of them so much, bitches don't come in more designer packaging.
Pin always says don't tell h2g2 too much about who you are.
The faction:
Name: boots
Age: 75 but I don't look a day over...(I always think it's good to add a decade or two and a bit, people just say "you can't be!"... Of course I'm not you silly cow!)
Sex: out of practise
Nationality: permanent resident of hootoo and proud of it.
Occupation: Designer of fly leaf covers for Dr Montague Trout (I know you're lurking somewhere, Salmonid!)
Hobbies: Lame ducks
Where do you want to be in five years time?: Same space different sunset.
take care
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 12, 2004
Serves me right!!
Asking silly questions!!
You be 75 my dear!!. It is a brilliant age to be especially if you are going to be 74 next month - as I intend being!!
I refuse to ask you why you call my friend Montague Trout Salmonid - but of course I do!!.
No matter what you say - I am fascinated and intrigued by your writing - and on no account answer any of my questions.!! I shall try NOT to ask, but will probably fail. Life-long habits die hard.
Now mow the meadow today - I smelt the grass, and heard the gentle drone of the mower as you bounced happily along the uneven ground - but actally part of me did wonder what you were mowing as the gras and meadow-like flowers have not yet started growing.!!
You set my imagination racing and that is something I have always thought I did not possess!!
Salaams and obeissances dear boots
Also Ran1
Boots Posted Apr 12, 2004
Morning AR1 We must swap oldies but goldies stories one day
Also Ran1-hope springs eternal Posted Apr 17, 2004
Hi boots,
Hope you enjoyed your break with Ben down the M4. that is on the way to Bristol I think. when we go to Cornwall I drive that way - although I do like going the scenic way, but it takes me much longer.
I loved your simile about the forgetmenot Wilton. Very cool.
I had a wonderful afternoon gardening. Nearly came to a very sticky end as a portion of the garden is on a slope. I do the gardening, trimming of the hedge, dead=heading the flowers in the pots through the fence that surrounds the patio. I did not notice that my brakes on my wheelchair had slipped, and I so nearly went careering down the very steep road to the station. It gave me a proper turn. I might have ended up on Eurostar bound for gay Paree peut-etre!!
Am very busy at the moment so must
Keep well,
also Ran1
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Mar 27, 2004)
- 2: Boots (Mar 27, 2004)
- 3: Trout Montague (Apr 1, 2004)
- 4: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Apr 1, 2004)
- 5: Boots (Apr 8, 2004)
- 6: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Apr 8, 2004)
- 7: Boots (Apr 11, 2004)
- 8: Trout Montague (Apr 11, 2004)
- 9: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Apr 11, 2004)
- 10: Boots (Apr 11, 2004)
- 11: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Apr 12, 2004)
- 12: Boots (Apr 12, 2004)
- 13: Also Ran1-hope springs eternal (Apr 17, 2004)
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