This is the Message Centre for Boots
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Hey hound
nadia Posted May 4, 2004
The italics are in, and they look good so they can stay.
Oh Jodan, lurky lurker, this one's ready to go.
We're thinking of you, boots. Let us know if you need anything.
Hey hound
Boots Posted May 5, 2004
Thanks folks. Bad week, hopefully after sunday will be able to function a little better. Thought physical was a good way to handle things this week. I am so not Carol Smilie. I have paint everywhere except for the walls. Might do a post article if time tonight!
take care
Hey hound
Boots Posted May 24, 2004
Bath sounds good. Need to get a handle on the day job first though! Not up to writing much but am being creative in other ways. Have decided that setting up a new company is the fast track to employment. Almost ready with the prototypes and hoping to be in production by the end of June. It may be a disaster but we shall see.
Hope all is well with you two and you are still scribing well.
take care
Hey hound
nadia Posted May 27, 2004
Nothing to do with windmills I hope. So what are you up to? Or is it a secret
Glad all is well.
Hey hound
Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee Posted May 27, 2004
Hi Boots, just my good self here to say how you doin'. If you were a brave dog, you could take a look at
and tell me what you think. Call it unusual bravery. But, of course, I can pretend that everyone here is a randomly generated message and that me and the missus are the only two actual people, I don't suppose it is terribly brave.
Hope life is, at least, lifelike.
Yours in effigy,
Hey hound
Boots Posted May 27, 2004
'The strings still hammer away and make me queasy in the pauses.'
Randomly brave is a good place to be. You and the missus are ok by me.
Good evening, bad week. But good evening and have more to be grateful for than many I know, so not complaining tonight...tomorrow is of course another day, but tonight I shall sleep and be grateful.
take care top totties.
Hey hound
nadia Posted May 28, 2004
I can so do brave. I finally sent some fiction off to a magazine and a competition. Ok, so that's not so brave and I still haven't got a grown up job.
Ho hum.
N - never too young to be useless
Hey hound
nadia Posted Jul 25, 2004
Hallo you
Birthday Salutations. Lizardy also sends joyful wishes. She would post a message herself but she's recovering from an abcess in a rather uncomfortable place.
Have ever so much fun
N and Fatty.
Hey hound
Boots Posted Jul 26, 2004
Yuk sounds nasty! Hope she's better soon and thanks for message.
Struggling and juggling but had a good day yesterday and busy one today...multi tasking, well multi skilling.
Hope you are both well. Surely you must be close to finishing? Then proper day job!
Take care
Hey hound
nadia Posted Jul 27, 2004
Suspended sentence till after Christmas, time off for bad behaviour. Then I have three more years to actually finish up and get it all handed in. Proper day job next year though, maybe.
Glad you're getting on and getting there. We think of you even when we're not around here much.
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Hey hound
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