This is the Message Centre for Boots

Hiya boots!

Post 1


Did I read that you were going to the meet today? smiley - envy If so, how was it? smiley - smiley

What I really came to do was tell you that I finally got around to making up one page with all the UnderGuide entries. I remember that you thought that would be useful. Anyway, it's at A2180927. smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Hiya boots!

Post 2


Good work Wolf! Looks tres bien. Dead chuffed to be up there with my heroes.
Yes made the meet. Went with Ravager pup and sat in upstairs bar for a little while. Suddenly the doors opened and at least thirty assorted aliens entered.
'Oh my G*d Mum they're your lot aren't they?'
They were and it 'twas cool!
take care
boots (so in love with hootoo)

Hiya boots!

Post 3


Sounds like someone had fun!

And did you find a pair of boots to wear?


Hiya boots!

Post 4


It was really cool Speckly! No new boots, but yes new boots. No one had a clue who usless hound was but bizzarely an awful lot of peeps had come across boots! have now changed my name by hootoo deed poll but feel quite proud of the fact that I was perhaps the first researcher to have two identities from one number. Almost feel I shouldn't relinquish perhaps the only original thought I ever had on this planet.
take care
useless hound smiley - winkeye

Hiya boots!

Post 5


I don't think I've ever thought to ask Why 'boots'?

Now I'll be able to say 'I knew her way back whan she was just a useless hound!'

I like it. Less self mocking, that's got to be positive.

Glad you had such a good time. Did the puppy enjoy himself?


Hiya boots!

Post 6


Puppy was really excellent! We waited upstairs, as instructed - note no ... or ()and I played the 'I bet they are hootoo people' game.

'For heaven's sake mother you're not going to do this all night are you?'

'I might.'

Then the pub was invaded by at least 30 aliens from diverse planets.

'Oh my G*d that's your lot!'
He objected to being called Ravager pup though so I revealed his true identity U205746! He's going to kill me for that!

Boots the origin. Good question.
I have a copy of Kipling's 'Thy servant a dog'. A first edition even, lucky girl. My most favourite book too.
The book is written in the voice of the dog who is called boots.
On the front of my copy it reads:
Thy Servant a Dog by boots...edited by Kipling.
How hootoo is that?
It just seemed appropriate.
take care

Hiya boots!

Post 7


Oh and there is another random element too. Ravager is somewhere in the corridors logged on as the 'original boots' but that has more to do with the sixties and sex drugs and rock 'n roll than literature. I believe he was nicknamed after a high street chemist smiley - winkeye
take care

Hiya boots!

Post 8


Haven't read it (though I have read Flush - another doggy book by V Woolf who is the unchlenged master of the well placed ellipses.) very clever. Literary and obscure, my favourite kind of referance. Must find book and read.

So he has the same ellipses addiction. Inherited or communal one wonders. Still, there are worse literary habits.


Off to search amazon!


Hiya boots!

Post 9



Hiya boots!

Post 10


ooh updated page. And you claim not to be able to do guide ml. smiley - winkeye

Hiya boots!

Post 11


Sounds like fun! I wish I could've been there... smiley - erm Well, I'm sure I'll hear all about it!

I always wondered why your h2g2 nickname was useless hound when your real nickname was boots smiley - biggrin It all fits now.

smiley - blacksheep

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