This is the Message Centre for Boots
Will the real Dr. Funderlik please stand up?
Dr Deckchair Funderlik Started conversation Jan 7, 2004
Hi Boots, yes, it is me and yes I know I have been gone a long time. What happened was, I got addicted. You know the kind of thing. I'm supposed to be running my own web design firm, see, and that takes time. Spending 22.45 hours a day on h2g2 sort of got in the way. So, I had to quit, full stop, no patches.
The upshot is that I've gone and made my own personal web log site ( a 'blog' - horrible word). So, if you wander in this general direction:
.. you'll find the same variety of freewheelin' antidisestablishment nonesense that I used to do here. But, now, see, its mine ... all mine... and the bbc can go and sit on a barrage balloon.
If you are mad enough to actually go and see, you'll find out more about the real me - the real deckchair behind the funderlik so to speak. It is not possible yet to comment on the site, but you can email me from it, and I update pretty regularly. Hope to see you around there.
Oh, and please pass it on. I've been posting this to my known associates about the place, and I have to keep changing the words ...
Will the real Dr. Funderlik please stand up?
Boots Posted Jan 7, 2004
Hi Funderlik!
Have posted to your website and spread the word in my journal but as I am not even on your 'my friends' list - well that's nice, you won't have noticed. Good to see you lurking!
take care
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Will the real Dr. Funderlik please stand up?
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