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Yorkshire puddings...follow up message from Lizzy :-)

Post 1

Brontë Babe (orig. 'Lizzy Gold' but fancied a change of name)

Hi Piece of the Puzzle

Very cool name, by the way. I guess it depends on how you like your Yorkshires. I tend to prefer mine very crisp, so even if I were to have gravy on them I would probably only have a little. If your kids love sugar on sandwiches, you might like to try giving them eggy bread with sugar on as a special treat. If you don't know eggy bread, here's how to make it: beat some eggs (I'm not sure how many, so try estimating and have a few spare in case you need to make some more 'batter') and add a little milk. Cut the slice of bread in half and dip each half in the egg mixture, making sure it is completely coated, then fry in a frying pan primed with a little oil until brown (you'll soon work out how brown you like your eggy bread! smiley - winkeye). Then you can sprinkle the sugar on them. You can also have eggy bread with jam, or savory stuff: ketchup, bacon etc, whatever you like. I appreciate it's not the healthiest dish in the world but once in a while doesn't hurt. smiley - smiley Incidentally, as far as I know there's no 'official' name for Yorkies with sugar...I'm still working on making up a suitably extravagent one. smiley - wizard

Anyway, nice to meet you. How many kids do you have and how old are they? I'm a student at University - I went straight from school - so having kids is a bit of a way off for me yet, though once I graduate I want to train to be a primary school teacher and I've done lots of voluntary work at primary schools, so I know a little about what little darlings smiley - angel (and little devils! smiley - devil) kids can be. What do you do for a living, by the way?

Take care, ttyl, Lizzy smiley - flan

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Yorkshire puddings...follow up message from Lizzy :-)

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