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sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 1

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

... I was glad to meet you in a Sandman thread. Addicted too? smiley - winkeye

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 2


Not off topic at all.
Yeah, i loved it although I thought it got a bit lost towards the end.
mrsthewife was the real fan and went on to read Death, Books of magic, Dreaming, in fact all the Sandman related stuff that followed.

By the way, thanks for ACEing Dugdog!

smiley - monster

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 3

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

You're welcome! smiley - winkeye

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 4

mrs the wife

The comic shop that SDM buys from puts aside all Sandman related stuff in the hope that he will buy it for me. So far they have succeeded in off-loading all of the above mentioned by SDM as well as a tarot card set and the plush toy versions of Death, Delerium, Merv Pumpkinhead, Goldie... It's his own fault, he should never have given me the Sandman to read in the first place! smiley - winkeye

smiley - artist

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 5

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

smiley - biggrin

Merv as a toy? Cooooool...

I have to buy everything by myself, though... The guy who owns the comic book shop here starts always laughing at me when I enter the shop saying: "Today I will *not* buy anything!"...

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 6


Do you only get Sandman stuff?
mrsthewife is also partial to Bone.

smiley - monster

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 7

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

Bone's fine as well. I also get myself "Hate" in case I have enough money - it's so expensive to buy english/american comic books in Germany...

sdm, it may be a bit off-topic, but...

Post 8

mrs the wife

I'm a big Bone fan, SDM thinks it is a bit sappy and takes the p*ss out of me about it (and Tim Hunter, The Dreaming etc) but I do like his copies of Hate and Love and Rockets. I'm lucky he is such a smiley - geek... it gives me a huge pool of stuff to read that I would miss out on otherwise. Who else could I have met who would give me Preacher and Hellblazer as a romantic gesture?

Sadly our daughter is so expensive, we have had to cut back on the comics big time - that and the fact that we would have to move house to accomodate SDM's obsession!

smiley - artist

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