This is the Message Centre for Researcher 212394


Post 1

Essexman34.ex LEISURE DISTRICT user & Nicholas cage look a like

hello, i dont know y u want 2 get on yoome2? as we all think it is s@@@.
ive heard that LD might b back at the end of march.
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 2


hi there where did u hear that ld is starting up....dont tell me u believe all the rumours u hear in the chat room lmfao...u know what there like 1 person says something and it spreads like wildfire:o) way well soon see


Post 3


hi red/rose ive been told the same by a m8 that ld might be coming back this month but lets just wait and see hey i doubt it will myself..

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