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Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
Super Shiny Sarah Started conversation Feb 25, 2003
Hi WebWitch!
I'm in the process of editing the aforementioned entry - well, to be honest, I think I've done all that needs to be done, it was rather well writtne to start with . I just thought that maybe you'd like to have a look at it before I send it back, make sure you're happy with what I've done etc. (This is only the second entry I've ever edited!) So feel free to make any comment you want.
Sarah xx
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
WebWitch Posted Feb 25, 2003
That would be magic - how do I go about reading the edited version? Sorry if I'm being dense, but I haven't done this before
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
Super Shiny Sarah Posted Feb 25, 2003
Of course you're not being dense! I haven't done this before either.
If you go to my space (I think that should happen if you click on my name at the top of this message) and scroll down to the "Entries" section, and then click on your entry, you should be able to read the version I've been working on. I think that's how it works, anyway... Let me know how you get on!
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
WebWitch Posted Feb 26, 2003
Well, without having both versions side by side for minute examination, it looks pretty much the same to me - and I will admit to a certain gratification
Congratulations on the exams, by the by - it has been lo, these many years since I did mine, but I remember the pressure. And I remember the relief! I hope you celebrate at least as hard as you worked
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
WebWitch Posted Feb 26, 2003
...a certain SENSE OF gratification...
Old age, it's a b*tch.
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
Super Shiny Sarah Posted Feb 28, 2003
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
WebWitch Posted Feb 28, 2003
Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
Super Shiny Sarah Posted Feb 28, 2003
My exams (happily) were way back last summer... rather shamefully I haven't updated since then! But yes, I'm still relaxing!
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Re: A970779 - Veganism Without Tears - An Intro To Adopting A Vegan Diet
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