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Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 41

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i'm back munchkinsmiley - smooch
Brrrr.....its chilly out there!!

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 42


hi hun..smiley - hug

yeah the temprature has dropped a bit.....

were supposed to get snow down here tommorrow & the weekend,what about you guys any forcast up your way..?

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 43

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

We had snow last nightsmiley - boingsmiley - boing & theres still some on the grass this morning!!!

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 44


lucky you...smiley - laugh we had nothing but a severe frost...smiley - rofl

hows you & the kids today..?

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 45

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Am i right in thinking you called moi trouble???????smiley - laugh
Hiya munchkin!!
how are you???
i was just pointing out a few truths.....i hate it when people cant see themselves for what they are because they are clouded in self-pity! I was just blowing away the clouds!!!!

Chloes off school today with a cough & i've gotta take them both down the doctors at 3.30!
smiley - ill
Aidens just got over croup so i want to catch it early if they've both got it this time!!!

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 46


yes.....smiley - rofl...smiley - laugh..smiley - winkeye

sorry to hear about the dustbin lids not being to good hun.....bless em

no don't blame you if things need saying you have to do it...

so flower how are you other than here that is......

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 47

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i'm good ta & how is your loverly self??!!!

i've got my chrimbo tree up & i've started wrapping all the pressies & putting them underneath!!!smiley - boingsmiley - boingjingle bells.....jingle bells.........smiley - boing dontcha jus' looooove chrimbo????smiley - laugh

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 48


smiley - laugh.....

i'm good hun thanks...i think..smiley - winkeye

yes christmas is a jolly time i look forward to all the pressies i'm going to get.....................not...smiley - rofl

no it should be ok,have you nearly finished your chrimbo pressie shopping then...?

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 49

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i enjoy watching the kids open their pressies best.....i love seeing their faces!!

I've just gotta get a pressie for his mum, sister & brother then little bits & bobs!!!

I think we've bought waaaayyy to many noisy toys this year chrimbo dinner is gonna be paracetamol followed by asprin!!!smiley - laugh

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 50


smiley - rofl

mine i think is going to be fralcohol followed by more fralcohol..

the kids are a little older this year & even my babe is 8 so its all high tec stuff they want....smiley - wah

so once i've set it up they don't want to know

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 51

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i'm usually fighting with our Chloe to play with her toys....there waaaayy cooler than anything i ever got! She's got one of those LeapPad things off her nana this year....can't wait to have a go!!smiley - laugh
I threw out a bin liner of her old toys last night to make room for her new stuff!!!!
And then there's all Aidens things???smiley - headhurts God, i need a bigger house!!!!

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 52


smiley - rofl

mmmm i don't suppose you've asked for one for chrimbo have you....smiley - laugh

i know what its like or rather i did,although i'm still at home at the mo the usual still carrys on including the ritual throwing out of old broken toys etc...smiley - laugh

are you expecting santa to bring you something nice this year then..smiley - winkeye..?

Creeps up behind you & slaps you on the arse......then runs like hell!!!!!

Post 53

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i'm hoping for the winning lottery ticket & Adam Sandler all gift wrapped....but it ain't gonna happen!!!

What about you??

i'm gonna have to go now....catcha l8r!!!

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