This is the Message Centre for wazzow


Post 1


smiley - biggrin Hello you, I've finally been able to log on today thanks to Master B's computer and line.

HOwz you?


Post 2


hello trouble....smiley - laugh

you caught me unawares i've been doing the guvnor thing & having to fill staff shortages on nights..oh woe is me...smiley - winkeye

i'm fine & judging by the txt you had a really good weekend....smiley - laugh

good for you..

so are you struggling on with this heavy burden of time off that your having to bare then...?


Post 3


hello trouble....smiley - laugh

you caught me unawares i've been doing the guvnor thing & having to fill staff shortages on nights..oh woe is me...smiley - winkeye

i'm fine & judging by the txt you had a really good weekend....smiley - laugh

good for you..

so are you struggling on with this heavy burden of time off that your having to bare then...?


Post 4


hello trouble....smiley - laugh

you caught me unawares i've been doing the guvnor thing & having to fill staff shortages on nights..oh woe is me...smiley - winkeye

i'm fine & judging by the txt you had a really good weekend....smiley - laugh

good for you..

so are you struggling on with this heavy burden of time off that your having to bare then...?


Post 5


smiley - laugh YOu're having fun then!!! smiley - winkeye

I'll be back in work tomorrow though so I can't smiley - laugh too much.

Atm I'm reasonably busy trying to make a fluffy crocodile look like a crocodile and not like a duck billed plataypus. smiley - erm It's not going terribly well!


Post 6


smiley - biggrin so you're still off then are you? Well I'd imagine so from the silence.

Hope you're having fun. I'm back in the library for the start of a new term and the computer is already feeling the strain. smiley - laugh

It's going to be a long haul until chiristmas.


Post 7


hi odo....."waves"

thought i'd just pop on by & say hi....smiley - smiley

just so's people don't think i'm not on here anymore..smiley - laugh


Post 8


smiley - laugh Well, you're hardly ever in any more. Any chance you're spending too much time playing on your email? smiley - laugh


Post 9


what....! no no no no ,i hardly ever use the thing..smiley - laugh

so then odo me old china whats occuring here in h2g2 land then have i missedout on much.....smiley - laugh


Post 10


Not a lot really, it's been fairly quiet on here this morning.

It always seems to happen when VV goes away...... smiley - laugh


Post 11


strange that i've just been talking to her colleague at work & she says much the same..smiley - laugh

mmm we must stay in touch when ever one of the triangle goes away it gets very quiet,i must sau i missed everone loads when i could'nt log,


Post 12


smiley - biggrin Evening you.


Post 13


hi odo.....hows you my dear....

i did reply to your email earlier.....


Post 14


aye, so you did, but our network system has spent the entire day crashing. smiley - erm There have been some rather unhappy students in here todya.


Post 15


oh dam...not good...

i've just sent another my do with my smiley - bleep phone
i'm not a happy bunny...

so your on the graveyard shift are you...smiley - laugh not long til you finish is it..?

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