This is the Message Centre for wazzow


Post 1

Crazy Man

Hey Wazzow,

What do you need help on Devil May Cry?


Post 2


on i think mission 19..gone into the great hall & jumped down through the floor .

you kill the two creatures there climb up & go into a large area wuth mystic symbols on the ceiling..(bare with me can't remember all the names) the blond bird whoo gave him the original job is there asking for help.he starts todefend her against mmmm i forget the name anyway..if your still awake.
i can beat this creature once but never seem to have enough life force left to beat it again any suggestions.

sorry the length of reply mate...


Post 3

Crazy Man

That's the hardest boss in the game in my opinion...took me a just have to use a lot of holy waters, if possible...get a lot of health stuff as well...devil trigger helps A LOT too.

Hope this helps. smiley - smiley


Post 4


cheers appreciate the help....

i have'nt had a ps2 for long but this was a recommended game & i think its one of the best...

i used to waste my early years in the this is great fun.
only thing is i bought that veronica x resident evil thinking it might be as good as dmc,sorely disapointed the movement is rubbish...


Post 5

Crazy Man

Don't get DMC2's nowhere near as good...I have it, and now I really want to sell it...

I recommend Final Fantasy X if you're into RPGs smiley - smiley


Post 6


yeah i'd thought about that ..
i'm a bit disapointed dmc 2 is'nt as good,but theres talk of a dmc 3 possibly.

i quite like the socom navy seals game & zone of enders...

in fact i quite like a any game thats fluid moving & you get to use either a sword or gun or both to wreak death & destruction...smiley - laugh

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