This is the Message Centre for wazzow

long time no see.

Post 1


Hello waz,how ya doing,ages since we spoke in't it.
part of my excuse is i got a new job,i start tomorrow,store security at a Big supermarket,its gonna be very different more nights and even sundays off,im hoping to become a bit more human than ive been lately......maybe.The other reason....erm.. well promise you wont tell anyone?...but i've got a bit bored with h2g2.....sorry.Well i went on my hols and came back to loads of backlog and really couldnt be bothered,i have been dipping in now and again,but nothing really inspired me to chat,and smiley - wahsmiley - wahnobodys left me a message for ages.
oh well i gotta make some changes to my page but i gotta go cos im off to the darn dentist for a fillingsmiley - grrsmiley - grr
i'll see you later buddiesmiley - ok

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long time no see.

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