This is the Message Centre for wazzow

Afternoon pest!

Post 1


smiley - biggrin hello you! smiley - laugh

I'm not ignoring you, I know you've sent an email but as i'm not in work I can't access it so I can't reply.

smiley - erm still waiting for news on the car.


Afternoon pest!

Post 2

wazzow likkle way..smiley - laugh

no i was just concerned about how the car was going matey..oh & to say hi.

you know me a sociable creature at heart...smiley - winkeye

hope the carr turns out ok & is'nt to expensive...i'll keep my fingers crossed.

just in case i don't get chance have a really good weekend...take your time over your one pint...smiley - laugh & have a good time.

oh & i'll speak to you bright & breezy first thing monday morn..

take care


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