This is the Message Centre for wazzow


Post 1


hi there how have u been hun,have u enjoyed ur time off work.smiley - smiley


Post 2


hiya shelly...smiley - winkeye

i think enjoy is rather a strong word...smiley - laugh,i've had to do some destroy it yourself around the house so i've been fairly busy.

i've managed to relax a little & its great to be a away from work so...

thanks for asking though..smiley - smiley,how have you been from the way your post is written i'd say your over the flu & back in training/work..smiley - laugh

i know your proberly at work at the mo but i'll be online tonight so if your there i'll chat to you later...

take care...smiley - rose



Post 3


hi hun how ya doing.....smiley - hug..smiley - rose

had a busy day now your back at work..smiley - winkeye

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