This is the Message Centre for jane doe


Post 41

Rik Bailey

Sounds like youve had fun. Have you been rushing round buying presents?
I am busy my self so I may not be on line till after christmas after today. Sniff


Post 42

Rik Bailey

Hi Im back. How was your christmas and new year?
Hope you had a good one.

Hi jane doe...

Post 43

Rik Bailey

Hi. Its me again. I'm of moderation at last. It is as Allah wills. Allahu Ackbar. How was your new year and every thing. Hope you have had fun. So how are you finding life on H2G2?


Hi jane doe...

Post 44

jane doe

i haven't been online much, been quite busy working and such.
i'm glad to see that they finally removed you from that premoderation thing. i know you're happy about it smiley - smiley
how were your holidays?

Hi jane doe...

Post 45

Rik Bailey

Holidays? what are holidays?. I had a ok time. Could have been better but it could have been worse. So how are doing.
Have you recoved from the christmas, boxing day and new year stuff?


Hi jane doe...

Post 46

jane doe

i am still recovering but think i will survive. i was not well over the holidays so they are a bit of a blur. other than that they were good. everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Hi jane doe...

Post 47

Rik Bailey

Hmmm Maybe you should take nigella sative oil. It will keep you healty.

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