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why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

i know before i write this, some will say, i dont watch the stupid programme, or a rats a pet here in england.
but, come on, isnt it going a bit overboard, they eat on the show, eggs of things, that dont get to hatch, cockroaches, kangaroo parts, crock tongues. and one year, the camp even went into the pool to get yabbies, as they are called.
its like the advert for 118118, where does bacon come from, child holding a pig.
someone should direct the rspca, to the posh places in london, that serve, monkey brains, and locust. ants and snake, and much more.
it was wrong for them to do it, but to turn it into a fiasco, that will only end up with a possible fine, they both can pay standing on their heads, and the cost of the trail as such, its money that could be used to save cats and dogs,let them both pay the rspca an amount to help the shelters, its nearly xmas, and we know after, that some pets wont be pets anymore. and who gets them, the rspca. end of rant.
smiley - dragon jimbob

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 2


I agree with you on that one Jim, they do show them eating live insects and things on the show as well so why is a rat any different? Perhaps it was only due to the number of complaints they received. It is all a bit over the top really I think.

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Jimbob I also think that it would be a good idea to give any fine to the RSPCA. I am surprised that they were allowed to eat live insects.

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 4


I don't think they will be prosecuted after all the fuss has died down. The producers are more responsible than the 'celebs'!

Websailor smiley - dragon

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

what they should have done, is admit it was out of order, and the rspca, and the programme producers, get together and come to an arrangement.
the chef asnt a leg to stand on, he cheated in the show, tea,coffe, salt, and other things. so they both should have the payment for the show, given to the rspca, or at least half.
with all the talkshows they will now end up on, and the fiasco of it all, they will get more than anyone, maybe except katey price,
she said on the coming out one, she as, ok mag, and others ready to get the lowdown on the whole show.
if it goes on till feb, only the press and tv news will get anything out of the whole thing.
someone wants to "shout" abitration smiley - roflsmiley - dragon jimbob

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 6

Helleborus a.k.a. Nigel

I totally agree with you Jim. Perhaps the media are spicing things up a little for further advertisement of the show! Even though it has finished smiley - erm.

All the best.

Nigel smiley - footprints

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi nige
its the old, jump on the bandwagon, both of them will be on a show like this morning, if they havent already.
there was only one really rat, the so caled, king of the jungle.
if he had taken things in b bro, he would have been out.
maybe being italian, he thought, what the heck, im a chef, so im taking in things,
if the lux items had been taken before jordan arrived, he would have been up the ,yabby, creek lol smiley - dragon jimbob

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 8


hi jim
the thing is they have been killing insects for years
and know one said a thing about it there kill one rat
and eat it and all hell breaks loose they should'nt
be aloud to kill anyhing on there let aloan a rat .smiley - sadface

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi fly
thats the point, but as it was in australia, its something the abo,s do daily, eat spiders, crock, whitchety grubs.
so as it wasnt here, till the rat fiasco, no,one said boo.
could this be like b bro, the beginning of the end.i have to admit i watch some of it, but with the rubbish, and repeats, anything new, is better than nothing.
if they had a lobster, and dropped it in boiling water, would the rspca be up in arms. nah.
the vermin of the sewer, carry decease, wild in jungles, the rat, and as you said, all h@ll breaks loose.
smiley - dragon jimbob

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 10


hi jim
i agree with you jimsmiley - biggrin

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

its a storm in a teacup, but could spiral out of control. it the papers and news keep harping on it, and its ammo for the rspca
what is it they say, "when in rome, do as the romans do"keep the crock and snakes in austrlia
the show would,nt even have passed the sencers, if to be filmed here.smiley - dragon jimbob

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 12

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

well we had the rat fiasco, are we about to have the mouse, as in doormouse fiasco.
somehow as heston blumenthal, the chef is serving it to his guests, all top celbrities, i think not.
i was bored and channel hopping, and heard him say, "i wonder what they will say, when they find out they are eating doormouse"
i thought, as to be wrong, must be choco ones, or shaped with meat, but no, he as been serving the humble, harmless, doormouse as an apitizer. where is the rspca now. smiley - dragon jimbob

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 13

Reality Manipulator

Jimbob I have heard that it's either the doormouse or the shrew or field mouse that is endangered. It the doormouse is on the endangered list, he'll be in a lot of trouble. I think that the furore will start tomorrow morning.

why is a rat, and differnt to a crock or kangaroo

Post 14

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

you watch, i bet they dont even raise an eyebrow, smiley - dragon jimbob

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