This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

today i went to the library, to see if i could at last find a way to see what regiment and number my father had in the 1st world war.
a friend said as the records where damaged, i should use the backdoor,look for the medals lists.
so armed with my father full name,i looked on google, and found the nat archives, and where to put the name.
and there he was, and his number and regiment, and that he served from 1914 to 1920, not 1919.
the reason he came home a year later could be why my mother and father had a strained life for many years after(as my elder sister once told me).
his regiment and others where there for an extra year for the many grave registrations, and cemeteries being opened for the dead and ones in name only.
when i got home i rang my bros wife, and she was in for once, and she told me how to get my nephew ronald, and he answered to, and he as my fathers medals,in a case.
its another peice of my family history, now printed off, and to go to my neice to go with all the other searches over the years ive done. i reached back to 1700, but still cant connect the family name to france, or any french speking country, yep my last name is a french one lol smiley - dragon jim

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 2


How very, very interesting. smiley - smiley

Great research work Jim.

I was trying, in vain, to find details of my maternal grandfather: a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society; close friend of my country's first PM; author of many non-fiction books; also was bestowed an OBE by HRH Queen Elizabeth II.

Must persevere ... smiley - smiley

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sd ha
send the details to my blueyonder email.(you will find it on my space)`and i,l see what i can find, im good at it normally, ive done many years of researches for people. smiley - dragon jim

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 4

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

ooh I do love a good history lesson like this ...sits waiting for the entire story smiley - zen

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

sorry opi
thesmiley - book is closed on this.
name found, reg found, number found, extra info, and i know where is medals are.
smiley - dragon jim xx

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 6


Thank you Jim. Done. smiley - smiley

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

It is a brilliant piece of research.

The First World war, what I heard effected soldiers badly. I do not know if it effected my late Grandfather but he did die for a an ulcer that became full of holes, and got it from the trauma of the first world war.

One of my relatives in South Africa is researching the family tree but cannot get very far as the family goes back to Italy as well as Scotland.

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 8


Jim, I am glad you have managed to find another piece in the jigsaw. You are very clever. I think both first and second world war soldiers came back different people, with things in their head they couldn't talk about, and I think it strained many marriages. If only they coud have talked things might have been different.
smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 9

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sd ha
i will get the email tomorrow when i get to the cybershop.
no promises, depends on way you have sent, and what i can acsess either on the pc or the local library.
,smiley - dragon. jim

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 10


Hi Jim,

Ofcourse, I fully understand. Thanks so much for trying.

smiley - smiley

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 11

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
the problem is now a doubt as been renforced i had.
as my father was always in pain,from 1940, as he wa injured badly as an air rid warden, when the only bomb that was discarded on a german raid, landed in the field near rhe shelter,blasting my father from one end to the other, hitting a pipe i was told full in the stomach, with ops he never fully recovered. to the day he died in 1950, and in 1946, my mother left him for a few months, and i came along in october 1947, after he brought her back, is my father, my father. i will never really know now. jim smiley - dragon jim

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 12


That's a tough one Jim, but if she came back perhaps she just had enough of things and needed a break. Unless there is any hint anywhere, or from anyone, that she might have been otherwise engaged, so to speak, I would try to accept things - would he have taken you on in those circumstances or if he had any doubts?

Websailorsmiley - dragon

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi websailor
it doesnt matter now or then, my dad,if he was died when i was three, i cant even remember him, any present he got me,anywhere he took me, or the family.
if there was another my mother went off with, its to long now to even contemplate searching for the missing time in 1946.
smiley - dragon jim

another peice of family history now found and printed off

Post 14


True, Some things are best left alone.

Websailor smiley - dragon

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