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x factor as started to wain, now it could be a no factor for me

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

yep xfactor will be out to get danni manogue dumped.
but to replace with, either lilly allen, victoria beckham, or charlotte church.
they might as well put the dopey, amy winhouse on the short list.
i cant stand lily allen,v. beckham is like her nickname, to posh, and charlotte church, as to be the joke of the century, the text said the cowell as offered beckham 1m to do a series.
if any of the three get the place, i wont be watching the fiasco smiley - dragon jim

x factor as started to wain, now it could be a no factor for me

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Jim I wonder who they are going to pick, they are definitely keeping us guessing.

I wonder why it is taking such a long time in making their decision.

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