This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

Why are new researches just coming on, and then going

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

over the 6 months, having plenty time on my hands, i go lurking around h2g2
and like to see who the newbies are, and some after even 3 or 4 days havent even used the page why
is it because the blank sheet they see, scares them, as we know the aces send a welcome, but if there is nothing as they see the blank space, they never use them
a lot have gone to the messageboards, and dont even bother with an intro.
this might be a daft thing to surjest,but isnt there anyway to have a message on the messaging as the page shows, with the basic
welcome to h2g2, "in a short time an ace will message you with where and how to get the best from the h2g2".
i look back and think, if ide been on a pc and not the digi when i joined, and saw the blank space, would i have even stopped myself, being digi, i had nothing else, so i got stuck in from the start.
my space as things from over the last 5+ years, some that no one will have seen ever, or for a long time.
the other day i put vampire, a common one,in the search for a friend. there where hundreds, but over 2 thirds where enpty, had they wiped them, or never even started. same with buffy, over half dead.
we see, new this week, everyday, you look and its mostly empty, or they have a few messages and gone
its not helping that h2 is at the moment having server and slow times, freezing, and sometimes dead altogether.
a another stupid surjestion.
is it possible to redirect all the new ones on entering to the "front page" with no exceptions,
with a link or special message at the top of front page
"read this page, and find what you want, then enter your new personal space", or something.
a bit of text makes a lot of difference to a we all know, we where all newbies at one time.

Why are new researches just coming on, and then going

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I remember when I first came here, it took a month to work out how to register and another month to work out that I need to put information on my personal page and have to chose a nickname.

Your ideas are very good ones and I hope that they will be taken on board and used.

Why are new researches just coming on, and then going

Post 3


Hi there hows tricks with you? <./>Jim</.>, I've noticed in your username the end Tag cherries! Well cherries don't have pips but stones, apples have pips and probably many other fruits have pips/stones. By the way your pic of yourself? I don't want to sound to harsh but you look at least 90yrs oldsmiley - sorry, it must be the Bradford airsmiley - run like the wind! Have a glass of smiley - redwinesmiley - runsmiley - lurk Ps I've noticed that too with the newbies whoosh>>they gone!! RE: I'm on digibox Virgin Media (Pace)smiley - run

Why are new researches just coming on, and then going

Post 4


Forgot something, I've been here for quite sometime my old PS has gone adrift, and I'm still learning how to use this <./>HooToo</.>
smiley - rainbow for me
smiley - peacedovefor Jim

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