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Ellen Started conversation Nov 24, 2010
HI Jabs, did you get the installment of the memoir that I emailed you this week? How are you doing? I just had a birthday, I'm doing fine. Yours, Ellen
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Jabberwock Posted Nov 27, 2010
Hi Ellen,
Sorry to be so late replying. I'm sure if the rest is as good as the first part, it'll be an extremely good piece of work. Excellent, authentic material, quite brilliantly and clearly written. It must have been quite an experience. Unfortunately, my printer's out of action, and I find it hard to read stuff on the screen, so I can't actually read it yet.
Your work's in good hands though, and I look forward to reading it very much. I'll let you know when I've managed to read it! Thanks so much for sending it to me
Yours, Jabs
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Ellen Posted Nov 28, 2010
Actually, it's a rewrite of the first chapter. But I will try and get the rest of it to you soon. No worries if you can't read it right away. Thanks for the nice compliments. JEllen
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