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Re: Despair about human race!
elekragheorgheni Started conversation Apr 19, 2010
A terrible blog about how awful white men are: written by a white man who is ashamed, very ashamed. Horrible stuff on it too awful to be fiction--which is rather scary! Be sure to read the About on the authorĀ“s philosophy. Very
Re: Despair about human race!
Jabberwock Posted Apr 20, 2010
Thanks for this. I agree, of course, with the anti-racist sentiments in general, but I find the whole racist question distasteful, as I'm sure you do.
Re: Despair about human race!
Jabberwock Posted Apr 16, 2012
Hi Electra,
I don't remember much about it, but I'm pleased to tell you that I've just checked the link and the account has been suspended.
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Re: Despair about human race!
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