This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

piece of work

Post 1

krabatt I thought I give you a hand with shifting this piece of work over to your place where it belongs. In my opinion this fine example of a 'self-portrait' deserves a prominent place on one of the walls of your PS, amongst the absence of any still lifes of fresh fruit and vegetables.

piece of work

Post 2


Which bit, may I ask?

piece of work

Post 3


Bend over so I can whisper it into your ear.

Oh yes, don't try to hide behind books. You do not do them justice and they don't justify you.

piece of work

Post 4


I find this conversation quite mystifying, though it seems hostile. I don't know what you mean by 'hiding behind books' for example.

It seems that I've upset you somewhere in some way. I know it wouldn't have been on purpose, as I have nothing but friendly feelings towards you. I'm sorry if I've upset you though.

Would you like to tell me what's happened, and show me where it happened?, the reference?
Then perhaps we might be able to start to straighten things out.

Best wishes,

Jabssmiley - smiley

piece of work

Post 5


smiley - bigeyes

But ... but, grandmother ... why are you still in bed, why are your teeth so yellow and strong, has your beard grown blue and is so very long?

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