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Dave Hewitt Started conversation Jan 20, 2010
Hi Slippery here
I am great Olney fan...did some research and writing about 'Amazing Grace' plus some ghost stories connected with the village.
Wonderful place to wander around - frightening close to MK but seems to have kept its character OK.
Waiting for the killer song-title that makes the game grind to a halt -waiting to use FOLD by Gary Numan - damn given it away!
Jabberwock Posted Jan 20, 2010
Hi Slippery, nice to meet you. Good of you to drop by, and to leave a message. Yes, Olney's a great little place, protected from MK for the time being by the M1 placed solidly in the way.
By Bedford College do you mean the defunct one in London? I went there too, many a moon ago. If you mean the one in Bedford, I taught there for a bit, but it doesn't sound like you mean that one. The old Bedford College in Regent's Park was a world away, in more senses than one. Seems quite Elysian in retrospect.
I had an interview at the LSE but didn't turn up. Did I miss much?
Dave Hewitt Posted Jan 21, 2010
Hi Jab
You did miss quite a treat at LSE which has become more valuable the more I think about it - apart from the many student protests and lock-outs etc. - I used to go to an extra class on blues music taught by Alexis Korner - still retains the title of the coolest guy I have ever met. All the guys wanted to look like him - no more than that- BE him.
It meant going to the ricky-tick club in Windsor to see Jagger announcing his first record 'Come On' and being show how to play a mandolin by Brian Jones... that's the education I recall, plus my tutor Terence Morris arriving on a massive Harley Davidson motorbike. The regents park side was rather mundane and plain in comparison (The Holme)
I went to Bedford college the year it became co-ed - a kind of Regent's Park Arcadian set-up (1966-69) lots of women and very few men - they hated us spoiling the single-sex culture. I then stayed on to undertake postgraduate 1969/71 - but worked mainly from home as I'd got married by then and just visited occasionally.
So tell me your dates and connections - we may well have met up
have to dash - snowed in for so-long never got the haircut I needed
Jabberwock Posted Jan 21, 2010
Bedford was entirely co-ed by the time I got there, so I doubt if we were contemporaries. I did see Alerxis Korner at the Richmond Festival, in a tent with various spotty wouldbe or wannabe Stones worshipping him, mind you. A pickup band with various future Stones there already.
Sounds like you had fun.
[As you're a writer, how about something on Writing or Writer's Block for the Guide, unless it's been done before?)
Dave Hewitt Posted Jan 22, 2010
Jabs - don't believe in writer's block any more than feeling too tired to go to work. Some days are better than others and some days you get more done - so should balance out.
Written one guide entry en route to Front Page shortly on Roald Dahl, so not sure what the next one will be but will not be about writing.
Do you know Lewis Kitchener - The Heart and Soul of Olney (2004? (Rachel really) - edits the Gazette magazine.
She is a very interesting Olney person - lives off the High Street
She gave me some research assistance looking at Olney hauntings and the claim that the Devil used to live in Olney - good stuff.
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