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Catching up
retiringviolet Started conversation Dec 28, 2009
Hello my very Dear Jabs,I'm gathering that you havn't been a visitor to H2G2 lately either! I was spending too much time on it. ADDICTION.
Also dealing with bloody life! Anyway it's about time I let you know you're still in my thoughts. Hope you survived Christmas O.K. I joined a choir and sang The Messiah. I'll try to contribute a bit more toH2G2 soon. It's been a gruelling year. Worst thus far. Next Year can't be worse.(I hope not). Dealing with solicitors for first time ever! At 58 at last I must be growed up!
Hope you are well, I'll be home before long,
lots a'love and huggles Lu xxx
Catching up
Jabberwock Posted Dec 29, 2009
Well Hi Lu! What a marvellous Christmas/seasonal surprise gift, a message from my dear old friend! So lolvely to hear from you.
2009 may have been sh*t, but the year and the decade will soon be over. Sorry my absence hasn't helped. It's been a sh*t year for me too.
LIFE! Don't talk to me about LIFE! (Unless you're you of course). [sorry if I haven't been around much]
Every best wish,
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Catching up
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