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I miss you, where are you?
Ellen Started conversation Oct 28, 2009
Hey Jabs. I sent you an email but didn't get a reply. Have you changed addys? I miss seeing you here on hootoo, and I hope you are okay. Post to me soon please.
I miss you, where are you?
Jabberwock Posted Nov 30, 2009
Hi Ellen, just found this. Hope you're well and generally hoopy and groovy an' that. I lost your e/m so can you send me another so I can re-learn your address? Thankee kindly,
I miss you, where are you?
Ellen Posted Nov 30, 2009
Hi there! Email sent, as requested. I am doing well generally. Maybe sleeping too much with all this rain and cold. But yes, basically hoopy!
And froody.
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I miss you, where are you?
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