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Dear fellow philosopher

Post 1


sunday 3rd May, 2000 12.45 G.M.T.
Hi Jabs, Going through my psotings and I noted that I had not spoken to you for ages.

I would just like to say to you how much I have enjoyed our conversations and hoo that when you have time we can continue them.

Go swell

Dear fellow philosopher

Post 2


Dear Fellow Philosopher,

Many thanks for your message.

Sorry if you've missed me Christiane, but I have been around your conversations, lurking smiley - lurkand making the odd comment, so I'm still around and about.

I do hope you're feeling well and enjoying life. It certainly reads as if you are. It's so nice to have you around and starting such interesting discussion threads and being so generally courteous and friendly.

However, I'm not around as much as I used to be, and that's probably why you're missing me. But if you want to discuss anything, fire away!

Bons souhaits (I hope my Franglais is up to scratch!)

Jabssmiley - ok

Dear fellow philosopher

Post 3


Thank you so much !.

Today I am going to go on a spontaneous visit to where I used to live. I have not seen my freinds for a long time, and feel I need to get back just for a few hours.

I notice I said have a "swell" time. My typing is getting extraordinary, but that does adctually also mean have a jolly nice time.

CME Ar80

Dear fellow philosopher

Post 4


Dear Christiane,

I do hope you had a nice break. Keeping active and keeoing up with friends are the things to do of course, so I'm told. Your appetite for life puts me to shame!

All the best,

Jabssmiley - smiley

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