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Maria Started conversation Jan 23, 2009
Hi Jabs,
waiting4atickle has unsuscribed from the BP thread, so, he won´t answer you, I guess.
This message is an explanation to my post in the BP thread.
Maybe I´m a bit too passional...Maybe my answer to him is unappropiated, but "wounded vanity" is not too far from his reason to write that of "more Bad than Poetry"
I went yesterday to the BP thread looking for a relaxing moment while I was having a break; and I received that post of w4at as a slap. I had already read his "vanity wounded" remark in another conversation.
(I don´t feel bad for lurking. It´s part of being in h2)
Hasta pronto,
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Jabberwock Posted Jan 23, 2009
Hi Mar,
If your poem had been directed openly at Waiting4atickle, then it would have been rather hurtful and unnecessary. But it isn't clear to me that it was - it didn't appear to be about him at all when I read it. Whereas mine was. I was reacting to his rather offensive verse by calling his bluff - if none of the thread is poetry (which it is, and some of it is very clever and - OK - good - as well), then tell us what IS poetry, sunshine! If, as you say, he's unsubbed from the group, then ducking this answer probably had more to do with it - unless you know more than I do (e.g. about the other conversation).
And of course there's nothing wrong with a lurk or two!
While we're at it, you've written some good/bad stuff yourself. Want to sign up as friends?
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Maria Posted Jan 26, 2009
Hi Jab,
Thanks for your invitation. Now, I won´t feel I´m invading your journals
and for your words. I´m not a writer of poetry,(well, it can be told easily) I started to play here in your thread, and I´m having a very good time there. I only write in my diary about real things-not much lately- and sometimes, a kind of prose which could be labelled poetic-like because I stop to think of the words I´m going to use. That´s the only difference.
So you are the guilty of my Bad Poetry! Thank you!
I like your thread because it´s quite original. The variety of people and "pieces of poetic work" gives it an unique flavour.
The differences among us only add attractiveness.
I like the democratic tone. No élites, no divos, noone disecting your poem in a cold way, no competition to win the laurel crown... only people playing with words. Sometimes, from that game pearls of emotion, precious words, powerful images... appear.
So, you can guess why I felt upset with that man´s words.
he said that didn´t like Neruda because there wasn´t rhyme!!!!!
That´s blasphemy!!
Well, let´s forget that, and keep on playing.
Hasta pronto
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Jabberwock Posted Jan 26, 2009
Did he??????????!!!!!!!!!!
You're not the first person he's upset, btw.
- I'm so glad we're official Friends now. I'm so glad you enjoy the thread, too. Thanks for your kind words about it.
That's exactly it - call it all Bad Poetry anyway and it's amazing how it's freed up so many people to write - and develop - when they might never have tried otherwise. For instance a few people equated poetry with rhyming at first, but they've grown out of it now
You've always been welcome, of course. But doubly now
And I think these people are some of the best going, esp. if you include early ones who contributed then grew away from us.
Welcome aboard, Mar, Matey!
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