This is the Message Centre for Jabberwock

The PC Thread

Post 1


I understand that you started the thread - does this mean that the Cat and the Albatross have been asked to leave? They have rather taken over for a while but it was quite fun.

The PC Thread

Post 2


Absolutely not, Pedantic.

Jab smiley - smiley

The PC Thread

Post 3


Great - I live in mortal fear of offending people on the threads (other then Sarcastic only) that I subscribe to. You haven't posted anything on the Acrostic thread for ages. Any reason why?

The PC Thread

Post 4


Pedantic - I don't like the competitive/voting side of it. It'd be fun otherwise. Imagine how voting would spoil the poetry threads - well it would for me, anyway.

Jab smiley - smiley

The PC Thread

Post 5


Sorry. I will back off for a while and see how it develops. No offence meant - I promise.

The PC Thread

Post 6


Pedantic - I've just stuck a bit of Milton on the thread, for a change. Don't let that put you off - it's nice to have you around. Fancy joining up as official friends?

Oh, and I dunno, but I might do something like that again - I don't want to stop your marvellous story/stories/general flow, but it might be important to flag up alternatives ways of approaching the game.

Jab smiley - smiley

The PC Thread

Post 7


smiley - erm I've made a mistake while talking to Pedantic!!!smiley - ermsmiley - erm

No s at the end of alternative of coursesmiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

Jab smiley - smiley

The PC Thread

Post 8


I only wanted fun.

The PC Thread

Post 9


It IS fun. Please don't stop, it's great. Friends?

Jab smiley - smiley

The PC Thread

Post 10


Always - I am the one in the corner doing the crossword.

The PC Thread

Post 11


Excellent. I'll subscribe you to my list and hope you'll reciprocate. I mean that about your poetry - I really enjoy it and hope you don't stop. It's really good stuff and we need people like you (poets). My intervention wasn't aimed at you, or at anybody else, except perhaps it was an example of great poetry that doesn't rhyme. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy poetry that does rhyme, of course. I use rhyme quite a bit in a lot of my own stuff.smiley - ok

Jab smiley - smiley

The PC Thread

Post 12


Thanks - yes. My 86-year-old mama just says 'Nice doggerel dear' - she is probably right. Here 82-year-old sister writes 'proper poetry' which is all Greek to me - just mindless words.

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