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Your Space..>

Post 1

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

... Wonderful.. Ismiley - runover here from "next word game" and have been absorbed here for about an hour,it seems... ..smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 2


Gee, thanx Ginger smiley - blush

Any time you want to visit, you're more than welcome. It sounds a bit corny, but I visited your space too and found it enjoyable and interestingsmiley - ok

Unless you think we don't know each other well enough, d'you fancy subbing up as a Friend? I'm not able to spend much time on Hootoo at the moment, except for the games smiley - wah, but this'll soon improve.

Jab smiley - smiley

Your Space..>

Post 3

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

For sure,great...HooToo is such a great place...I stayed away for months because I was spending just too much time here....Time flys & the day is SO short...I find word association fun...I do not add a word sometimes just because I want to see what is going to show up...Sometimes it is smiley - eureka & sometimes smiley - erm...I have checked on the webcam in Venice, I love all the boats...each one so different from the other....We have 2 big rivers here in Portland,Or...And I will let you know when MT.ST.Helens has a fresh new snowfall and it is lovely then when the evening sun hits it..I will check the time zone clock
and let you for now, I often do not post much, because I can go on & on and there is no spell checker... and I am not the worlds worst speller, but right next to it....I can have it spelled right but it will not look right to me.....spelling bothers me...Because it is just NOT logical..!!... ... It is now 2:30 Am so time to turn in....I am a nite owl....I love the nite... ....... smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 4

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

That was the wrong URL..If I had given it a look-see I would have known i had missed a step in cut & paste..... ................... smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 5


Great! smiley - wow I've been to Oregon, well more through it, actually, and it is a very, very beautiful part of the world. I remember

(a) Seeing a moose cooling itself in the swamp on one side with the rolling Pacific on the other
(b) Seeing the redwood (?)forest go right down to the ocean shore
(c) Sleeping overnight in Portland bus station with the cops banging on the benches so we didn't get too comfortable.
(d) Mount St. Helens and the great Coastal Range - please do keep me updated.

On my way up to Vancouver from California.

Liked the time zone map smiley - ok These things remind me how enormous the USA is , and how far away we are. Awesome!, as I believe the natives say smiley - biggrin

Welcome, Friend! smiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - ok

Jab smiley - smiley

PS What do you like to be called for short?

Your Space..>

Post 6

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Just call me ginger..
[b]..No redwoods this far North in my neck of the woods..I need to drive about 6 hours South to see, about 1 hours drive North of the California border.....
[d]..Mt.St.Helens is acually in Washington state, 50 miles North of me..But we have such wonderful views of it from many places here and it was so much a part of our lives that i consider it "ours"... We always spent our summer vacations at a huge beautiful campground at huge beautiful Spirit Lake..The last time I saw an aerial view of the area I could see the lake again....That was so good to know one could see it again....It had been so choked with logs & debris... I have a picture of my son taken on a snow field on the mountain on ground that is no longer there....
it is 5:30pm here now, 130AM your time..??
..... Awesome......What, I think the "young" natives say for everything.....
When it happens that they truly see something "awesome" are they stuck for a word..... smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 7


Yes, of course Mount St Helens is in Washington.

I loved Washington State too...and B.C., but I was disappointed by California, except the golden hills and San Fran and the desert. Overpopulated.

Never been to Spirit Lake. Sounds marvellous smiley - wow

You're so lucky to live where you do, even though I live in a beautiful and historic town myself, as you've no doubt seen for yourself. Think of Olney next time you hear Amazing Grace!

Jab smiley - smiley

Your Space..>

Post 8

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Hi,......Yes, Washington is great...especially around Seattle...All that water... Great for sailing...They have a very rugged coast line..not a lot of nice beaches at the coast so they come to Oregon a lot in the summer...Yes, Californis...smiley - erm.. Except, of course, for San has so much spirit and life...Another great place....The desert has its beauty, but I would not want to live there...And I WILL remember Olney when I hear Amazing Grace...beautiful song/hymn............ smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 9


Hi Ginger - haven't forgotten you, just going through a quiet period at the moment.

Jab smiley - smiley

Your Space..>

Post 10

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Have been busy,busy..Beautiful fall day today...The Mountain has had a light dusting of snow..Get a chance to see it between breaks in the cloud cover.. and since it is warm up there,it begins to melt fast...looked like a lot of steam rising up today, but it could have been clouds...It almost always has a little bit of steam... .. Also, on Friday I went to a memoral service for an old friend{79}and they had a slide show of pictures of his life and they played Amazing Grace...!!!........ smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 11

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Dear Jab:..OH!, Dear!,spelling!!.. smiley - wah .. "color" versus "colour".. But am I to pick this up as a hint that I should use British spelling on hootoo..??.. ......... ginger ............ smiley - bubbly ... .. .

Your Space..>

Post 12


smiley - dontpanic ginger...there aren't any rules like that, I just thought it would be amusing to have 'color' making me think of 'colour', that's all.

Hope you're well and all's OK with you,

Jab smiley - ok

Your Space..>

Post 13

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Yes, I was going to ask if your were not indeed,being lightly teasing.....
All is well here...It is a most beautiful fall day and the forecast is for coming nice days...."The Mountain" may soon come out of the clouds...been hidden for days....but the sky is clearing fast now....
Must..>smiley - run... .......smiley - towel........................... smiley - bubbly ... .. .

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