This is the Message Centre for louloubelle

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Post 1

The Magster

Unlike you to have nothing to say Loulou smiley - biggrin

Are you encouraging me to be naughty Ms Belle asking me to to go AF etc. You know me Lou, I'm always good smiley - whistle

No Subject

Post 2


Well hi mags..I'd forgotten about this place. When I was very bad on the MBs a while back I couldn't get in here either and gave up!

Always something to say were at the kids hosp. today...everything OK I hope??

Oh good...replies to my rants, I'm off to antagonise the guardianistas!

Love Lou smiley - cheers


Post 3

The Magster

Well Lou, being one of those guardianistas, I don't know whether I should let you go, should keep you busy on here instead smiley - biggrin

No problems really at the childrens hospital. I have to go there regularly with no1 son and no2 daughter. Today it was the little one. She has an enlarged uterus, so every six months they like to scan and see what is happening. Nothing is happening which is obviously very good but it is still enlarged. It's funny but we would not have known about the uterus if she had not been scanned for a rather large hernia she has right on her navel! Of course on the hottest day of the year so far, she didn't have a full bladder, so we had to force feed drinks to her whilst sitting in the bowels of the earth in temps of what felt like a hundred degrees. Don't you just love little ones smiley - smiley

Oh well, time to sort through the ironing. smiley - cheers Look forward to chatting with you some more.

By the way, what would it take to get you to stop readng the sun smiley - whistle


Post 4


Well, I go through phases with the trusty Sun newspaper. I have read it since I was about 13 and well, old habits die hard! However I think you know me well enough by now to know I don't take it very seriously...well not at all actually! My Mail reading tendencies are more dad's always read it so I've been brainwashed since ever I could read!! Oh don't worry...I even glance at the Guardian someimes (only on-line mind you!)

Yes, been a cracking day, you know where we live, well, it has got to be one of the best climates in the country. We're in a nice little dip and the welsh hills soak up most of the rain and winds...did you know we even have vineyards down here? They'll get a bumper crop this year if this weather keeps up.

Good news about your young ' doesn't get any easier my woman, believe me... mine drive me up the wall...eldest 17, middle 16 last week, and brat of all brats daughter 15 in August..and you wonder why I rant!

Oh good news as well...I've got a job... a proper one as technician at our local comp. Oh it's just great...6 week summer doesn't get any better than that!

See, I'm not so bad really smiley - winkeye

Speak soon




Post 5

The Magster

Lou, I know you're not bad really smiley - biggrin I now know it's the Mail. Now the sun I can understand but the mail, well personally I think a spot of therapy would be in order for you Lou. Now be a good girl and get it all arranged because I may be forced to call the men smiley - doctor in white coats smiley - whistle

Great news about the job smiley - cheers Have a nice smiley - bubbly bottle or four. When do you start? Does this mean you are no longer a college girl?

Now I don't mean to put you down here Lou, but talking of vineyards, did you know that there is one in Wolverhampton? Actually, to be fair, it's just outside of Wolverhampton near Halfpenny Green. They sell on line. I died of laughing until I tasted some, and it was passable. I don't live in Wolverhampton by the way but when I was a young gel, I used to work at the football club and that definitely had its benefits smiley - biggrin

smiley - discosmiley - redwinesmiley - bubblysmiley - porkpie celebrating your job smiley - disco
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 6


Ahh yes, great news on the job front, I start after the Easter holidays, much to my daughters disgust. Her reaction when she found out I got it was.." Oh god mum, just don't get showing me up and do NOT come and speak to me" eh?! Daresay she'll want me to speak to her this weekend for some Euros and new clothes for a school trip to Disneyland Paris next weeksmiley - erm

As for college, well, I'm going to transfer my credits to the OU, all the travelling and expense combined with me not working will have us bankrupt after another 3 years! It's still been well worth it, this is the best job I've ever had and I wouldn't have had a chance without this year's studies.

Oh well, must go...I must take a look at todays papers and see what wonderful news I can report today smiley - biggrin


Post 7

The Magster

Hello Lou

Good luck with the work after Easter, sounds like you will need it smiley - smiley It is fair to say that as children grow older they only really love you when there is financial gain to be had.

Wasn't the sun wonderful today...I mean the real sun and not that scummy bum roll you read smiley - biggrin I have been out in the garden all afternoon and have lovely lobster red shoulders to show for it.

Speak soon smiley - smiley


Post 8

The Magster

Evening LLB, how are you? Thought I would let you know that I am now going a lovely brown colour, the red has gone. Pity the sun is going away for the bank holiday smiley - wah
By the way, join in our girlie chat if you have any tips you want to share with the world. You being a scientist I am sure you know lots smiley - biggrin You'll get the link from my page. See you soon. smiley - cheers

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