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I want one.

Post 1


I want a V-Max, its my dream bike.
Unfortunately as Im not 21 I cant ride anything bigger than a 125 (a 125 virago), but when i hit two-one...

A guy I work with has a heavily customed V-max. Hes put a racer tank, straight bars and race exhausts onto it... To be honest I prefer the V-max as it is...

I want one.

Post 2

V Max

Hi Bob,

Mine's an old full-power Canadian import. Its customised quite a bit, but I've kept the general V-Max look as I like it so much. I've changed the bars, pipes and I've replaced a lot of bits with anodized blue fittings, as the bike is dark blue with a custom painted tank - cover of Nazareth's "No Mean City".

It's better handling than people give it credit for, fast as f**k and comfortable for all-day riding. Main downer is the 100 mile tank range.

I take it you're not in the UK if you can't ride a V-Max under 21? Or am I hopelessly out of touch with the learner laws (I passed 20 years ago, when learners could ride 250's).

I want one.

Post 3


I am in the UK. The laws as they stand are that under 21 you can get a license for anything up to a 125. After for two years you get a full license, so you could ride one at 19 if you rode a 125 from 17. When your 21 you can do direct access to get straight on a bigger bike.

I want one.

Post 4

V Max

D'oh! I'm soooo out of touch with these things.

So, what do you plan to get next? I can recommend the Eliminator 400 as an excellent first Custom/Drag bike, great fun.

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