This is the Message Centre for sir-pinski
St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA) Started conversation Nov 28, 2002
I'm Saint Nessaja and I'm a Guardian Angel . An ACE will probably greet you soon but if you need any help in the mean time just ask!
St Nessaja Patron Saint of Pessimistic Aardvarks (GA) Posted Nov 28, 2002
Wow! You're the first person to reply to me in my qualified angel capacity! An ACE is an Assistant Community Editor, and they are more official than guardian angels. Hope you are finding everything ok!
St Nessaja
sir-pinski Posted Nov 29, 2002
Hi and it's nice to hear that I have a guardian angel . I think things are fine so far. I'm trying to pick up the different aspects of GuideML at the moment but this is okay it's just a bit of a learning curve really
. Thanks
SallyM Posted Nov 29, 2002
Ta Da Ace here to meet and greet and to be really friendly.
My name is Sally and I'm here to say hello and to help out if you have any problems.
This is a page with a few helpful links, so that I don't have to write them out lots of times (included is the smiley page ) They should help you if you get a bit stuck.
If you have any problems just reply to this message and I'll see if I can help, or at least find someone who can.
Enjoy and have fun.
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