This is the Message Centre for dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

Hi dugdog...

Post 1

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

... and welcome to h2g2!

Okay, you're already here now for about two months, but sdm sent me here today, telling me that you feel a bit left out...

I've seen that sdm already told you a bit about the Help page and other things - anyway, if you got any questions or problems or just want to have a look around, don't hesitate to visit me on my personal space.

And: enjoy yourself! smiley - smiley


Hi dugdog...

Post 2

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

hello you're an ace - well done...and german? and a female who feels good about the fact - all good so far.
Tell me, what's good about Iceland - I've never been, but I'm intrigued.

Hope your eye is better, sounds nasty...

also, where do you keep all your shadows, rats etc.?

Hi dugdog...

Post 3

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

The good things about Iceland? It's the most beautiful land I've ever have been to!

The shadows: Mh, it's my name, "skuggi" is Icelandic for "shadow", but you can use it as a name as well, "skugga" is the female form of it.

The rats: two of them, here at home, nice guys.

The betta splendens: 6 fish tanks in the living room, 3 adult pairs of betta - and about 100 kids at the moment, so we are running out of space a bit smiley - winkeye

The badly drawn vampires: I leave them everywhere I can, if I'm allowed to... smiley - biggrin

Hey, saw you on our Punkrock page! Great!

Hi dugdog...

Post 4

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

btw, I added you to my list of friends - hope you don't argue with that!

Hi dugdog...

Post 5

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

happy to be on your friends list....unfortunately can't hang right now...gotta do family stuff --catch up soon, L8R

Hi dugdog...

Post 6

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

sorry...had to do all sorts of stuff - chop the wood for the fire, avoiding my finger (check F105394?thread=246082&latest=1 for the full story on that fiasco)...then get it a story to my 5 year old....then his tooth came out, so I had to wait up to do the tooth-fairy thing (I write little letters to go with the coin under the pillow routine...and I've told him the tooth fairy is making a tiny xylaphone...and when all his teeth have come out I'll make it and leave it on his bedside'\s nice to give them a little tint bit of magic, while they still buy it I reckon...

do you do the tooth fariy thing in Germany?

Hi dugdog...

Post 7

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

No, we don't - at least I don't know anybody doing it and I didn't grow up with it.

Is your finger better now? You asked about my eye... as I said, I'm lucky it was the one I'm blind on, anyway. smiley - winkeye There's a quite beautiful scar beyond it now, which gives me a distinctive look, but I won't win the Quasimodo-look-alike-contest anymore... smiley - biggrin

Hi dugdog...

Post 8

dugdog <a.k.a. - corla planktun...buffer of the tiny ruby>

that make two of us with beautiful scars..mine all seem to congregate around my left hand...maybe something to do with sharp objects being weilded by the right one....smiley - winkeye

Hi dugdog...

Post 9

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

smiley - biggrin

I'm quite good in falling on my head because I'm rescueing everything I hold in my hands - landing flat on my face... In November, it was one of the rats, he was a bit scared after this, but completely unscathed - I wasn't... smiley - winkeye

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