This is the Message Centre for Ali Dubya

Alistair W: come on down (please)

Post 1

Pat Pending


A group of us have been increasingly admiring your style on the 5L boards, and would like you to join with us in our plans for world domination and a bit of a laugh along the way.

If this is of any interest to you, please click on my name, find "Is this....." in my conversations, and join us at the end of that thread: you're more than welcome.

Alistair W: come on down (please)

Post 2

Ali Dubya

Hi Pat,

Sorry for replying so slowly. I haven't been in my space for weeks, months even. H2G2 is a little weird for me, but if friendly faces are over here I shall feel less intimidated...

Poor me.

Nice thread on management ballcocks yesterday. I see that James Moore chappie has posted an hilarious piece of gobbledygook on the News board this am. Priceless.

Let me pop over.


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Alistair W: come on down (please)

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