This is the Message Centre for asbenjamin

Classic Goo

Post 1

Researcher 178815

Just to let you know, with the air of all the politeness an ACE can posess, (smiley - smiley)

Setting your text to an anti-goo colour should really only be done on the skin fan clubs - stretching this out to your own personal space and other h2g2 articles is just going to create a skin war.

Most people, I gather, (unless the people who haven't worked out how to change their skin preference by now outnumber the ones who have, and have taste about them (smiley - winkeye)) use Classic Goo, so you might start getting comments about your page not being viewable - you might like to change that. smiley - smiley

Classic Goo

Post 2


Ok, I didn't really mean to cause any trouble. I'll look into changing it when I get a chance.

Classic Goo

Post 3

Researcher 178815

smiley - smiley
smiley - cheesecake

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