This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Missing Persons

Post 1


Greetings, your Scarlitude, 'tis the elder of the Pictish Pair.

In case you thought we'd emigrated, we - well, in a way, we had. Since the end of April, the elder members of Moira's family & mine have been dying at an alarming rate. Now we are the senior members of both our families and we had to spend a lot of time in Ireland, sorting things out.

It's been hard on both of us, but especially on my beloved 'M'. She's had to give up work at the Uni, but she's got a lot of consultancies going, which is helping her a lot. We'd never starve - but we both like to be active.

That said, we're lucky. We can work wherever there's a phone - mind you, some of the places we've been since April didn't even have that!

So, we're ... adjusting, as they say.

Good news is that the hounds have bred and we now have four - two large, two small and our friend Shun (the Unavoidable) did come back from Iraq. The house has been empty for too long and there's lots to do to turn it back into a home, but expect to see us back in action soon.

I'll repeat this to Peter.



Missing Persons

Post 2

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello you two,

I saw you had registered with Akira a while ago and meant to e-mail - but.....I don't check in here much - so sorry for the delay.

I have wondered what had happened to you both!

Sorry to hear of all your sadnesses - but Shun and the pups are good things.

Will mail you.


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