This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

big sister house

Post 1


hi scarlet.. click A1059699 and click vote Peregrine III.... and anyone else you can get to do it...

smiley - dragon

big sister house

Post 2

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I did click that No you said - but could not see our Perry 3 - you know I'm thick tell me a bit more - er - please!

big sister house

Post 3

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Put me in a sack and throw me out to sea! Perry 3 = !!!

I have done the deed - I eventually had the presence of mind to scroll down! If I had a brain I would be dangerous!

big sister house

Post 4


hi chelsea.. the hootoo server was down... but saw that u succeeded..
smiley - dragon

big sister house

Post 5

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

have just been enjoying some convos that I guess you had seen yonks ago - VVV good!

big sister house

Post 6


scarlet.. i had to come back and tell you that you are eating oysters quite out of season.... it is june smiley - laugh... no oysters until september.... smiley - silly... i hope you wont be smiley - ill

have something seasonal smiley - strawberries

smiley - dragon

big sister house

Post 7

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

shhhh Draculina - I don't eat that muck - even when there is an 'r' in the month!

I was just trying to give Perry food for thought!

big sister house

Post 8


scarlet... i love the muck... i doubt that anything at all will give the slightly batty smiley - batsmiley - nahnah duke food for thought - which, of course, only proves that he is the genuine 23rd earl of duke smiley - weird... he is simply mole-obsessed, mole-molested or whatever is the correct term for the condition smiley - steam .... i suspect there are not any spare grey cells to accommodate any mole-unrelated thoughts which would probably strike him as smiley - alienfrown

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run
smiley - dragon

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