This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


Post 1

AWOL No1..8 weeks on h2g2 1 weeks barring,,wierd people run h2g2 :o)

chelsea bird e,,smiley - smiley you live n e where near the ground then,,?


Post 2

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

LOL! smiley - biggrin

Sort of AWOL! Can I use your loo?

You sound champion - Lucky lady your Mrs.

smiley - love The Scarlet Chelseaness smiley - fairy


Post 3

AWOL No1..8 weeks on h2g2 1 weeks barring,,wierd people run h2g2 :o)

well smiley - rose what isit you would like t know about me,,Everthin you cud really wanna know is on my page,,smiley - smiley.Im smiley - ok to have a laff with i never fall out with n e 1,,its usually the other way around smiley - smiley ne way check mi page out you'll see what i mean,,smiley - smiley

By the way smiley - rose thanks 4 the smiley - tea n smiley - cakesmiley - smiley

Speak soon takecare yeah smiley - hug
smiley - peacedove

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