This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hail & Farewell

Post 1


Good Morning, Your Scarlet Chelseaness, it's OOV!

Have a happy Sunday! M & I have a superb one planned - not the one we'd have liked of course, for the weather here is ... well ... driech - that's dark & wet. Still it ain't wet in our house, except in the bathroom.

I have to be off again on Tues, but hope to be back in a week or so, so M will keep the flag flying from our perch in Pictland.

M loves your coat of arms, but Chels, surely your motto should be 'semper parata'? Unless, of course you are a very unusual Chelseaness.

M says she will join up in her own right after I get back, but meantime, she'll just stand in for me. OUCH!

CG, 'tis M. I have just told this ...bearded bozo ... I can type as well as he - if not better!! Unfortunately, his language skills are minimal, nay residual and one has to resort to more direct methods of communication! Just stand in for him??? MEN!!!

I shall join up when he gets back.

'M' ( for Moira, incidentally )smiley - biggrin

& OOV (another) smiley - redwine.

Hail & Farewell

Post 2

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Off again OOV! Don't they ever let you have a rest in the bosom of your M?

Well M, glad to see you don't let OOV get away with too much. I am still smarting from his comments about the quality of my Latin! I got it off an American website - explains it all really - well, NO - what it explains is that I gave up Latin about 25 years ago - and I was rubbish at it anyway!

Ummm...what might 'semper pirata' mean - always a female pirate?

We had a busy day on Friday. As a result of our raid on the Cult TV board (a venue so busy that we can't have frightened a single native! Anyway they like all that Vamps and alien life forms stuff!), I have to tell you that poor old CG has been put into Pre-Mod - yes I know - everyone else's loss - but there you have it...they overlooked my vulgarity - but could not forgive the 'spamming' - sounds like dubious luncheon meat to me!

However she can be found as both Elizabeth II and Molly Bloom. - Which is keeping me busier than usual.

smiley - fairy

< shhhh....between ourselves Moira, I would join up while he's away - a couple of times....that'll keep him on his toes!>

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