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too much stuff
Posted Apr 1, 2003
people are afriad that kids these days dont do anything but sit and watch tv and play video games, and in my case at least thats nowhere near the truth. Take last night for example, i had homework in two classes that took about an hour total, i had to study for the geography bee that i have to go to the state competition for on friday, that took about forty five minutes, i had to work on my Oddysey of the mind project, which is a long term team based problem solving thingie, that i am competing at state in on saturday, that took about an hour and a half and i still didnt finish, i had to plant grass seeds around my house(my parents are insane and are making me replant a lot of it in the field) that took and hour or so, i had to help make supper for my family, that took half an hour, i had to carry in groceries, that also took half an hour, and i didnt get home until about four thirty to begin with.all of this is in addition to any social life i want to have, anything else i want to do, taking a shower etc. and im supposed to be in bed by ten o'clock.
Now tell me kids don't do enough.
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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2003
stupidity in america
Posted Mar 3, 2003
here i am, sitting in a completely pointless keyboarding class. I just finished the five minute assignment that constitutes all of our work for the fifty minute class, and so i started to work on a homework assignment from german, a real class where we actually learn something, instead of mindless dribble and continually typing the same five words in a row over and over again. Then, the psychotic "teacher" comes up to me and says "this isnt a homework class, you can play games or internet but you cant fo homework" first, let me say this, for as much as the internet does for the world, it hurts as much as it helps. she expects me to play solitare for fort five minutes, or play some stupid game online where you go around and shoot people for absoleutly no real reason, instead of doing something constructive like reading a book or doing homework, two things which most of the people in this class will almost never do in their entire lives, simply because they are to busy watching tv or playing video games to even notice the outside world, and probably wouldnt care even if they did, simply because they were braught up to believe that their whole purpose in life is to play sports, watch idiotic reality tv shows, and then when they are old enough to get some low paying job at wal mart and work there for the rest of their lives, stopping only to create a new generation of these mindless automatons that will populate the world after them. For as much as we try to improve our education system, it wont help unless the people actually participate in any real activities, instead of just taking the minimum they can to graduate, or even more unfortunately, to not do so, it wont help any. Only a handful of people actually do anything that will improve the world, or to better themselves, but what really is the point of making the world a better place if your only doing it for a bunch of blathering idiots who probably wouldnt notice that you did it, and will probably just thank you by ignoring you exist, or outcasting you for not comforming to this norm of imbecilic behavior?
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Latest reply: Mar 3, 2003
my philosophy
Posted Feb 12, 2003
Well, im stuck in class with nothing to do, so i decided to finally update this thing, even though i know nobody actually reads it. last night i was talking to a couple of people about what their philosophy on life was, and it got me to thinking so now im writing this.
First, on life. Just enjoy it. whatever you do now you can deal with the consequences later, and even once youv done something theres no point in worrying about it because whats done is done, you cant change the past.
The universe: I think there is a lot more going on it it than any one person could ever possibly know, but we should endeavor to find out as much about it as we can, because despite the fact that most of the knowledge may prove useless, but even then you never know. We need to explore everywhere we can, despite the tragedies that may befall in doing so (challenger, columbia etc.)
Everything: this is the toughie, but pretty much i think i can sum it up to this,
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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2003
Posted Nov 28, 2002
with the onset of the holidays everybody has to deal with the demons in disguise, family. whether your talking about brothers, sisters, in laws or whatever, its almost always a bad thing for them to actually show up when they say they will. between screaming children, fighting cousins, and everything else. this is probably the number one stress builder at this time of year. Even worse, when you find lut that the hoard is growing, despite your best efforts, in some way or another. whether it be through birth or marraige, its just as bad no matter what. even if it starts off not bothering you, after the end of the year you will wish you never had the idea of having family over, or of going to see them.
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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2002
Posted Nov 19, 2002
any more, im beginning to realize how pointless most of the education in america realy is.even though most, i guess you have to admit, is ok, some of it has no real point. today, ive sat through several classes where ive done just about nothing. in one, all i did was sit and listen to people describing theyr houses, albeit in a foreign language. in this one im supposed to be copying various information off of a website for what seems to be the fifth time this month. while most of what we do is at least vaguely educational, everyone is being pushed into classes with the how shall we put it "slower" students, forcing everyone else down to theyr level, so that most of the time were reeapeting things weve known for so long its noteven funny anymore. at this point, while there are options for SOME advanced classes, it seems as though the majority of them are filled with students who are just taking them for the credit,and really just dont care. even my most advanced courses seem to be slowing as more and more of these lower end students are brought into them, its as if theyr trying to water down the intellect of the oh, lets say thirty percent of students who actually know what theyr doing, and who actually want to. basically, im just hoping eventually some one with some authority will realize this and actually do something about it to save the rest of us from what weve been forced into.
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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2002
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