This is the Message Centre for Doctor Strangegloves

Second Opinion ...

Post 1


Dr Strangegloves, is it me or has "skunk" been widely available for years? There is nothing new about "skunk weed" is there?

Only ask because after reading that nonsense from Sandy "I'm a scientist" Davidson (Scientologist more like!!) and being inclined to take the occasional smoke myself I can't remember if I've been doing for ages or not???


Second Opinion ...

Post 2


Scientologist where??

I'll get me stake and hammer

Second Opinion ...

Post 3


Oi Brad! Stop bursting in on my private consultation with the good doctor... I paid good money for this because the NHS is so naff!

Just thought Sandy Davidson sounded a bit too puritanical for my liking! Anyone fancy an attack on the religion board later this week? I think they need "pirating" up, they're such a miserable bunch!!

Second Opinion ...

Post 4

Doctor Strangegloves

Skunk has indeed been available for many years - although it is only with the widespread increase n consumprtion over recent years, along with some liberalisation, that skunk has been widely praised as the best way to get absolutely off your face.

Second Opinion ...

Post 5


Morning Doc!

Yeah I got off my face last night and thought about it for ages! I remember smoking it years ago at work when I was a programmer on nights. Should have seen the progs I came up with... Never worked but check out the variable names!! Whoa ... Think I'd better keep a low profile today in the office?

Second Opinion ...

Post 6

Doctor Strangegloves

A friend of mine works in the chemical industry (really) and regualrly brings samples home from trade fairs on the continent. My advice is, even with really powerful stuff, drink loads of water and you won't feel rough the next day.

That'll be £120 please.

Second Opinion ...

Post 7


Blimey! £120 squid would get me more than ounce usually ...

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